07-000/15 Highly Dangerous Inmates (K-10s)

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department







Unit Order:  #07-000/15


Effective Date:  07-14-1998

Review Date:   09-21-2024


Subject: Highly Dangerous Inmates (K-10’s)


Reference: MPP 5-03/175.15; CDM 5-01/040.00 & 5-02/030.00

Unit Commander Signature:                                                                                                                            Date:



PURPOSE OF ORDER:     The purpose of this unit order is to establish procedures for the housing and movement of highly dangerous inmates (K-10 and their sub-classes K-17 through K-20) at the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF).

NOTE: This unit order is to be used in conjunction with all current use of force policies as well as all other applicable policies, procedures, and guidelines.  This order is intended to provide minimum requirements for K-10 inmate movement within NCCF.



SCOPE OF ORDER:          This order applies to all personnel assigned to and/or working at the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF).




Highly dangerous inmates classified as K-10 (and their sub-classes K-17 through K-20) are identified by a county issued orange jump suit and red wristbands, and shall be housed per the NCCF housing matrix as updated by the Population Management Bureau (PMB) - Central Housing Unit (CHU) North.  Each inmate is housed in a single-person cell unless they have been determined to be compatible for "double-bunking" (housing in a two-person cell) by the Custody Investigative Services Unit (CISU) Jail Liaison and by PMB and/or Correctional Health Services (CHS) mental health personnel, as appropriate.


Only one K-10 inmate shall be allowed out of their cell at any one time and shall not come into contact with any inmate at any time.


For K-10 double-bunked inmates, only the two inmates housed together shall be in the housing location recreation area during their recreation period.  Inmates shall return to their cell during Title 15 checks and during pill call and meals.




The 900 Building Sergeant (900 Sergeant) or 900 Building Supervising Line Deputy (900 Senior) shall be notified of any K-10 movement prior to the inmate being removed from Dorm 926.


The 900 Sergeant or 900 Senior shall accompany the entire K-10 movement whenever that movement involves leaving Building 900.


The 900 Sergeant and 900 Senior may use their discretion as to whether or not they will accompany the K-10 movement when it remains entirely within Building 900, provided either the 900 Sergeant or 900 Senior is physically present in Building 900.


A minimum of two deputies shall escort K-10 inmates during all movement within NCCF that occurs outside the secured confines of their housing dorm.  Escorting personnel shall physically control the inmate utilizing a firm grip during escort.  At least one of these escorting deputies shall carry an electronic immobilization device (TASER).


Building 900 shall go into a lockdown prior to a K-10 movement.  Before a K-10 inmate exits their cell, any unsecured K-10 inmate in that dorm’s dayroom shall be secured inside their cell, Building 900 inmate workers shall be secured in the 920 dayroom, and any other inmate shall be secured.


Movement of K-10 inmates within Building 900


K-10 inmates shall exit their cell and walk to the tray slot next to the dorm slider door where they shall be handcuffed through the tray slot prior to the slider door being opened.


YARD: All K-10 inmates will receive their dayroom time and yard time one cell at time.  When a K-10 inmate enters the yard, their handcuffs shall be removed through the 925 yard tray slot after the door has been secured.


900 VISITING: When a K-10 inmate goes to 900 visiting, he will be placed in a visiting booth equipped with a tray slot where the handcuffs shall be removed after the door is secured.


900 MEDICAL CLINIC: When a K-10 inmate goes to the 900 Building Medical Clinic, they will remain handcuffed for their treatment.  Removal of handcuffs for medical treatment shall be at the discretion of the 900 Sergeant.


900 Hair Cuts: When a K-10 inmate receives a haircut, they shall be waist-chained for the entire movement and haircut.


Movement of K-10 inmates outside Building 900


The staff station deputy will coordinate with 900 Max Control to ensure the Main Corridor and the receiving location for the K-10 inmate is locked down and prepared to receive the inmate.  The K-10 inmate will exit their cell and walk to the tray slot next to the dorm slider door where they will be handcuffed through the dorm tray slot.


Prior to the opening of the dorm slider door, a minimum of two deputies shall be present to escort the inmate, and at least one of these escorting deputies shall carry an electronic immobilization device (TASER).  The 900 Sergeant or the 900 Senior shall also be present when the dorm slider door is opened and the K-10 inmate exits the dorm.


Immediately after the K-10 inmate has exited the dorm, a thorough pat-down search shall be conducted and the K-10 inmate shall be waist-chained.  Once this has been completed and the K-10 inmate is ready for the movement, the 900 Sergeant or the 900 Senior shall advise Central Control of K-10 movement out of the 900 Building.  Central Control will then lockdown the affected portion of NCCF until notified via telephone or radio that the movement is complete.


The K-10 movement shall proceed when the affected portion of NCCF is locked down.  At least two escorting deputies and the 900 Sergeant or 900 Senior shall be present during the movement until the K-10 inmate arrives at the intended destination.  At least one deputy armed with an electronic immobilization device (TASER) shall remain with the K-10 inmate and shall maintain a continuous visual observation of the K-10 inmate.


If the K-10 inmate is going to the inmate processing area (IPA) for court line, then the K-10 inmate will be escorted and placed inside a secure one person cell (in the 2-Row of the IPA), until Court Services Transportation (CST) personnel secure the inmate.


The above notifications and procedures will apply for any movement of a K-10 inmate returning to the 900 Building.


Once the K-10 inmate returns to the 900 Building, inmate will enter the dress-out room and a strip search will be conducted.  A minimum of three deputies (one whom shall carry an electronic immobilization device [TASER]) and the 900 Building Senior Deputy and/or the 900 Building Sergeant will be present.  Once the search is completed, the K-10 inmate will be handcuffed and returned to their housing dorm where the handcuffs will be removed through the tray slot next to the dorm slider.


All K-10 inmate movement outside of the 900 Building shall have the inmates' names and destination listed on the lower portion of the “Sergeant Video Movement Board” located in 900 Max Control and the 900 Sergeant’s Office.  Upon their return to the 900 Building, inmate name shall be erased from the boards.


Department personnel are reminded that, regardless of an inmate’s classification or higher security level, the procedures for handling insubordinate, recalcitrant, hostile, or aggressive inmates shall always be considered during inmate movement.  In addition, the Department’s Force Prevention Principles pertain to such movement and Department members shall endeavor to de-escalate confrontations through tactical communication, warnings, and other reasonable efforts to preventing the need to use force whenever reasonably possible.



Revision Date 09/21/2022

Revision Date 09/24/2015

07/14/1998 NCCF