Acts of violence and vandalism perpetrated against police facilities necessitates the following to safeguard records, information, supplies, and equipment entrusted to us:
Warehouse doors and bays shall be securely locked and the alarm set at the end of each business day.
The Unit Commander shall see that frequent exterior and interior security checks are made.
Exterior Checks - Exterior checks should include inspections of all exterior doors, including the maintenance area, roof tops, parking lots and gates, and all areas likely to be hiding places.
Visitors shall be prohibited from entry into the warehouse through the doorway of Bay 1. Whenever the bay door is open, a heavy chain shall be suspended from one side of the bay doorway to the other side of the doorway. A placard shall be hung from the chain notifying visitors that entry is restricted to authorized personnel only. The placard shall direct visitors to enter the facility through the personnel door to the visitor’s right.
Suspicious or unauthorized persons shall be checked thoroughly and carefully, and furnish identification, having due regard for the purpose of the security inspection. Direct such persons to the public counter for assistance.
Interior Checks - The Warehouse Worker III shall make periodic interior checks, throughout the day, with special attention to restrooms, conference room, kitchen, empty offices, stock areas, and other locations that are normally unattended.
Suspicious packages and foreign objects shall be carefully scrutinized and whenever doubt arises as to the contents of the package, utmost care shall be exercised in handling the package. No suspicious packages shall be brought into any portion of the warehouse.
All visitors who are admitted beyond the public counter shall be required to furnish identification and be escorted at all times while in the warehouse (see exception below). If they do not have acceptable identification (badge or I.D. card) which can be displayed on their clothing, they will be issued a “visitor” badge, which they will be instructed to wear while in the warehouse. Please obtain ID from visitor and keep at the public counter until the visitor wishes to leave.
Law enforcement personnel from other units or agencies shall be directed to areas necessary for them to conduct business and shall display identification.
Personnel from other Department units wishing to go through the stock areas or conduct business within the stock areas, including units storing material in the warehouse, shall be required to report to the public counter and obtain permission to enter the operations area of the warehouse.
Contractors who are here to perform services (i.e., telephone company, computer service agents, and other County employees) shall be directed to a supervisor, who will advise them to remain in the areas where they are performing their tasks.
Visitors, including sworn personnel, who attempt to enter the warehouse through the bay doors or go into the stock areas shall be challenged and required to identify themselves and state their business. They will be directed to the public counter and advised as to which areas they may enter.
Government employees not currently assigned to the warehouse and personnel working for contractors or utilities shall be advised to wear their business identification card or badge in a conspicuous spot on their outer garments.
In case of emergency, (earthquake, flood, fire, or riot) all visitors shall be advised to leave the warehouse immediately.
The Warehouse Manager and Warehouse Worker III shall prepare and maintain a floorplan of the facility that will be used as an emergency map. The document shall contain information that shows escape exits and the locations of utility shut offs for electricity, gas, and water. The legend on the map shall provide contact information for the appropriate utility companies and first responder agencies, such as the fire, police, and emergency medical technicians. The emergency maps shall be posted in conspicuous places throughout the warehouse and shall be conspicuous in color so that they are easy to find.