Because of the permanent nature of employee time records, the following unit timekeeping procedure will be followed:
1. All employees shall be listed, in alphabetical order, on their relevant weekly time sheet.
2. All employees shall sign the weekly time sheet in black ink.
3. All employees shall sign in each day with their arrival time, and sign out with their departure time.
4. All employees shall note variance time in the appropriate box on the weekly time sheet.
5. Supervisors shall ensure that their staff follow timekeeping procedures.
Exempt employees shall be listed, in alphabetical order, on an Exempt Employee Time Sheet.
Temporary employees shall be listed on a separate time sheet, for each employer and each assignment.
Employees working at Logistics, while waiting to attend the academy, shall be listed, in alphabetical order, on their own time sheet.
The Unit Commander shall have his/her own time sheet, which shall be submitted to the Bureau for approval.
Employees absent for a week, or longer, shall be listed on an “Absence Time Sheet.”