Unit personnel rosters shall be maintained by the following authorized personnel: Assistant Director, Bureau Personnel Aide (OA III), Unit Commander, Supervising Operations Assistant II, Unit Commander’s aide(OA III). The rosters will contain personal information on each individual employee. The information will include: the employee’s name, address, telephone numbers, and the names of people to contact in an emergency.
There shall be no duplication of the above personnel rosters.
The Unit Commander will decide if any additional assignments or positions have a need for personnel roster listing employees’ home addresses and telephones. Only personnel authorized by the Unit Commander may maintain a personnel roster.
Home telephone numbers and addresses are not to be given to anyone without the personal authorization of the individuals involved. This does not include Department reports that mandate the listing of personal information.
Rosters are available that list the employee’s employee number and/or telephone number if there is an expressed need.
All rosters are considered confidential and shall not be duplicated. Rosters shall not be taken out of the facility.
Old rosters will be destroyed upon receipt of updates. This order is in compliance with the Manual of Policy and Procedures Section 3-01/050.55.