5-08-012 HOH Dorm Procedures: Revised 1/3/2025

                                                                               Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department






Unit Order:  # 5-08-012

Effective Date: 7/11/2024


Subject:  HOH Dorm Procedures

Reference:  CDM 4-11/025.00, 5-01/050.10, 5-08/010.00, 5-13/115.00, 7-02/020.00,

7-03/000.15, Custody Informational Bulletin #2023-05

Unit Commander Signature: On File-Captain Rodriguez  Date: 01/06/2025


PURPOSE OF ORDER:                                                                

The purpose of this order is to establish procedures regarding the programming of HOH dorms at the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF).


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to, and/or working in any capacity at CRDF.


The HOH Dorm Housing will provide treatment to mentally ill inmates in a less restrictive setting to promote increased activity and pro-social behavior.  This will be achieved by enhanced out-of-cell time and the reduced use of security restraints.  HOH inmates participating in this program shall meet or exceed Department of Justice (DOJ) Substantive Provisions #70 (limitations on security restraints in HOH and Moderate Observation Housing [MOH]) and #80 (required minimum of 10 hours each of unstructured and structured out-of-cell time).

HOH Dorm Housing will have the following therapeutic essential features:

  • Enhanced, unrestrained out-of-cell time with access to out-of-pod recreation areas
  • Therapeutic physical space with a mix of pro-social environmental features such as games, soft furniture, decorative art, or plants
  • Tailored treatment plans and programming
  • Regularly assigned and specially trained staff

Unstructured out-of-cell time shall be provided and facilitated by module personnel.  Module personnel shall begin out-of-cell time in accordance with the program schedule notated in the Out-of-Cell Directive and CRDF Master Calendar. 

Unstructured Out-of-Cell Time

Unstructured out-of-cell time includes outdoor recreation, dayroom recreation, use of telephones, watching television, and any other activity that is not structured (group therapy, school, etc.).  Module personnel shall document all out-of-cell time in the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL) for each participant.  Inmates who refuse to participate in out-of-cell time shall also be documented in the e-UDAL.  Inmates who continually refuse to participate in out-of-cell time shall be discussed at the daily HOH meetings.

Structured Out-of-Cell Time

Structured out-of-cell time is organized, structured activity delivered or conducted by a qualified mental health professional (QMHP) or other program provider who is monitored by module personnel.  Module personnel are responsible for escorting the inmates to the designated structured programming area.  Structured out-of-cell time includes educational or psychoeducational activities such as substance abuse class, problem solving, anger management, religious or spiritual programming, or structured recreational activity such as yoga or visits with therapy animals.  Module personnel shall accurately document all structured out-of-cell time for each participant in the e-UDAL.  All refusals shall also be documented.

NOTE:  If an inmate is participating in unstructured out-of-cell time and then begins to participate in structured out-of-cell time, module personnel shall accurately document this transition in the e-UDAL.  Module personnel will end unstructured out-of-cell time and begin the structured out-of-cell time.

NOTE:  Module personnel shall utilize the “Unrestrained” section for all inmates participating in structured or unstructured out-of-cell time.    

Refer to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Custody Operations Informational Bulletin #2023-05, “Electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log Updates and Documentation of Out-of-Cell Activities,” for additional information.

NOTE:  Due to varying factors, inmate out-of-cell time (structured and/or unstructured) may be limited due to reasonable and articulable safety concerns.  Module personnel shall immediately notify their tower sergeant if out-of-cell time has been interrupted or cancelled.  The name of the sergeant who was notified as well as the reason why out-of-cell time was not offered or cancelled shall be documented under the “Additional Information” section in the e-UDAL.

Inmates assigned to HOH Dorm Housing who are identified as a danger to themselves or others, shall be removed from their cell and placed in unobstructed direct supervision of module personnel.  Module personnel shall initiate a Behavioral Observation Mental Health Referral (BOMHR) and contact the on-call psych.  Based on the mental health provider’s assessment and recommendation, the inmate shall be housed in appropriate mental health housing.


Custody personnel shall adhere to the following HOH Dorm Housing procedures:

HOH Inmate Classifications and Definitions

  • HOH inmates participating in this program shall be identified as a [REDACTED TEXT] level of care by CHS mental health personnel.
  • HOH inmates identified by CHS mental health staff as “able to safely cohabitate” are [REDACTED TEXT] inmates who present in a consistent manner and a safe common demeanor around other inmates.
    • iMatch is a software application tool utilized to help identify “able to cohabitate” inmates who are housed within a specific module.  The iMatch system gathers information from the Automated Justice Information System and Mental Health Tools web application to conduct a match analysis.  Module personnel shall utilize this application daily to assist with identifying inmates who may be housed together.  Strict adherence to iMatch is not mandatory and should be used as a guideline along with sound judgement by module personnel to ensure double-person compatibility that will create space and safeguard inmates.
  • HOH inmates have the same varying security level and classification as General Population (GP) inmates.  Unless otherwise noted, as in a GP setting, all classifications will be appropriately segregated during HOH Dorm Housing.
  • Allowable Inmate Property Door Signs shall be secured on each cell door.  A copy shall be maintained at the staff workstation for staff to refer to for each inmate’s level of care and allowable inmate property restrictions.

NOTE:  Module personnel may obtain the Allowable Inmate Property Door Sign utilizing the Mental Health Tools web application under the Custody Information Portal/Custody Applications.

The 1 East Tower Supervising Line Deputy shall ensure all Allowable Inmate Property Door Signs are posted and contain accurate information in all 1 East HOH units; discrepancies shall be relayed to module personnel for immediate corrective action.

The AM shift Booking Supervising Line Deputy shall report to all 2 East HOH units daily and ensure all Allowable Inmate Property Door Signs are posted and accurately reflect allowable property.  Any discrepancies shall be reported immediately to module personnel for corrective action.

Eligible Inmates for HOH Dorm Housing

The selection process for inmates eligible for the HOH Dorm Housing is based on module staff referrals.  The vetting process shall be conducted on Monday AM shift, Wednesday PM shift, Friday AM shift, or as time permits.  Eligible inmates shall meet the following criteria: 

  • Classified as [REDACTED TEXT] by CHS mental health personnel
  • Able to safely cohabitate
  • Housed with another inmate with similar clothing restrictions (no suicide prevention gowns)
  • Similar security levels [REDACTED TEXT]
  • Similar classifications
  • Compliance with inmate rules and have no current Inmate Report Tracking System (IRTS) major violations thirty days (30) prior to movement/participation in the program.

Module personnel and CHS mental health personnel shall work collaboratively to develop a plan to address inmates who may not qualify for HOH Dorm Housing but may be able to cohabitate in another mental health setting.

NOTE:  Module personnel shall search each inmate and their property prior to placing an inmate in HOH Dorm Housing in accordance with Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 5-08/010.00, “Searches.”

Managing HOH Dorm Housing

  • House primarily double person cells for an expected count of twenty-two (22) to twenty-four (24) occupants per pod. 
  • The occupants shall spend more time out of their cell than inside their cell.  Occupants shall be secured inside their cell only at night, during shift change, during CHS structured out-of-cell time if the inmate refuses to participate, and if required during unusual circumstances or for safety reasons.
  • HOH Dorm Housing out-of-cell time, group therapy, pill call, inmate meals, and programming shall generally be conducted unrestrained.
  • All applicable Title 15 requirements (i.e., showers, meals, pill call, etc.) shall be adhered to.

Module staff shall be responsible for providing security during HOH Dorm Housing out-of-cell time.  Module personnel shall maintain direct supervision of the inmates to ensure the safety of staff and inmates.  Inmates may be removed from their cell unhandcuffed and shall remain unhandcuffed during out-of-cell time.  If the inmate receives a pass to medical, a visit, or any other activity removing them from the module, the inmate shall be handcuffed in accordance with CDM policies and procedures.

REVISED 1/3/2025