5-50-020 Floor Control and Module Booth Security and Procedures- Approved by CSS on 08/21/2024

                                                                               Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department




Unit Order: 5-50-020

Effective Date: 01/01/94

Reviewed Date: 07/24/2024 


Subject: Floor Control and Module Booth Security and Procedures

Reference: CDM 3-01/030.00 and 3-10/000.00, CRDF UO 5-10-010

Unit Commander Signature:  On File                               Date: 08/28/2024



The purpose of this order is to establish security procedures for floor control and module booths at the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF).


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at the CRDF.


Floor control personnel are ultimately responsible for granting access to the floor corridor from all areas; the stairwell corridor, module sally-ports, and the elevator sally-port.  Floor control personnel shall only allow access into the floor corridor to uniformed personnel or civilian personnel clearly displaying a CRDF security badge.  Floor control personnel shall not allow unescorted inmates into the corridor without knowing the inmate’s intended destination.  Civilians displaying a red escort badge shall not be allowed access to the floor without a designated escort.

NOTE:  Every floor control booth door shall be secured.  Floor control personnel shall not prop open the door with any items (e.g., fire extinguisher). 

Stairwell Corridor

Stairwells are located behind the floor control booths in each tower.  The stairwell should be used to allow custody staff the opportunity to quickly move, unrestricted, from floor-to-floor.  Floor control personnel shall ensure the door leading from the floor hallway to the stairwell is secured at all times.  If the door is inoperable, floor control personnel shall immediately submit a work order. 

NOTE:  In the event the elevators are inoperable, custody personnel shall obtain approval from the watch commander for civilian personnel to utilize the stairwell, or to escort inmates up or down the stairwell.

During the escort, two (2) custody personnel shall be present.  At least one escorting custody personnel shall be a deputy and of the same sex as the inmate.  In the event of exigent circumstances (e.g., medical emergency), a female inmate may be escorted by two male deputy sheriffs.

Custody personnel shall notify main control personnel utilizing their handheld county-issued radios and provide the following information:

  • Who is escorting the inmate (Deputy Doe and Custody Assistant Doe)
  • How many inmates
  • Destination (e.g., 2 east to 1 east)
  • Location (e.g., 2 east stairwell)

Module Sally-port

Housing modules are located at each end of the floor corridor.  Access to the modules is controlled with an interlocking sally-port.  Floor control personnel are responsible for opening and closing the door leading from the floor corridor to the housing module.  Custody personnel assigned to the housing modules have the responsibility of opening and closing the door leading directly to their module.

Floor control and housing personnel shall keep the doors in the sally-port secured when not in use.  Only one door can be opened at a time due to the interlocking system that controls the sally-port between the floor corridor and the housing module.  Floor control personnel do not have the ability to open the floor corridor door when the door(s) leading to housing modules are not secured.

Elevator Sally-port

Floor control personnel have the ability to open the door leading to and from the elevator sally-port.  This door shall remain secured when not in use.  In the event the elevator sally-port door is inoperable, floor control personnel shall immediately submit a work order.

First Floor Controls

First floor east control personnel are responsible for allowing all floor access, as previously mentioned, and have the added responsibility of opening the interlocking sally-port door leading from CRDF booking into the first floor east corridor.

First floor west control personnel are responsible for allowing floor access, as previously mentioned, and have the added responsibility of opening the door leading from the rear of the main clinic to the first floor west corridor, next to module [REDACTED TEXT].  This door shall remain secured when not in use.  In the event the door leading to the main clinic is inoperable, floor control personnel shall immediately submit a work order.

Mini Clinic Supervision

Floor control personnel may allow up to four (4) inmates to access the floor corridor to see the mini clinic nurse, without the immediate presence of the floor rover. 

Emergency Module Access

Floor control personnel have the important task of monitoring radio traffic and assessing the appropriate doors to open when an emergency occurs.  Additionally, floor control personnel are responsible for ensuring the first responding deputy is given the floor’s emergency module access key [REDACTED TEXT]  Each floor is assigned an [REDACTED TEXT] allows manual access to the doors leading directly into the modules, which bypasses the sally-port’s interlocking mechanism.  Custody personnel should keep both the floor corridor door and module door open during an emergency response.  Once the emergency response has concluded and normal operations have been reinstated, the sally port doors shall be reset to their normal position using the [REDACTED TEXT]

Outgoing and Incoming Mail

Floor control personnel shall be the designated mail drop-off for housing modules.  Early morning (EM) shift floor control personnel shall be responsible for ensuring all outgoing mail is inspected for contraband and labeled “Inspected” in ink.  The outgoing mail shall be kept separated by module and shall be collected by inmate services personnel (Refer to CRDF Unit Order 5-10-010, “Inmate Mail and Correspondence,” for additional information). 

Inmate Visiting

Once visitors reach a housing floor from the CRDF Visiting Center, they become the responsibility of floor control personnel.  Floor control personnel are responsible for turning on all lights and phones in the visiting booth and ensuring inmates are assigned to specific visiting phones/booths.

Floor control personnel shall ensure inmates receive their full thirty (30) minute visiting session.  If an inmate’s visit is delayed, the floor control officer shall inform visiting staff.

Floor control personnel shall notify the floor rover when a professional visitor requires assistance passing documents to an inmate. 

Broken Visiting Telephones

Upon notification that a visiting telephone is not functioning properly, floor control personnel shall immediately inform visiting staff via telephone.  Additionally, they shall send a maintenance request utilizing the Maximo system located in the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL).  Upon repair of the visiting telephone, visiting staff shall be notified.

Television and Telephone Access

Floor control personnel maintain control over housing module televisions, telephones, and power outlets in the day room.

Key Blocks-Floor Control

Personnel assigned to a floor control booth shall account for all key blocks assigned to that floor at the beginning of each shift.  All keys shall be accounted for on the key log and forwarded to main control personnel.

NOTE:  A paper log shall be maintained in each floor control booth for the issuance and accountability of each key block in the event the computer system shuts down.


In an emergent situation, floor control personnel have the ability to terminate power to their panels by depressing the duress alarm.  Once power is terminated, power may only be restored by main control personnel.  The first and second floor east control panel has the ability to release all cell doors.

Module Control Booths

Module control booths located in mental health high observation housing (HOH), administrative segregation, discipline, and Module [REDACTED TEXT] shall be occupied at all times by one custody assistant or deputy.  At no time shall the module control booth be left unattended.  If additional personnel are needed for any reason [REDACTED TEXT]module personnel shall utilize their handheld radio to request assistance.

NOTE:  HOH, administrative segregation, discipline, and Module [REDACTED TEXT]shall have two custody staff members present at all times absent an emergent situation.

REVISED 07/24/24

REVISED 06/17/22

REVISED 01/09/17

REVISED 08/19/13