5-17-020 Inmate Classification and Pregnant Inmates-Approved by CSS 08/23/2023


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the classification of inmates housed at the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF).


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at CRDF.


Classification/triage personnel shall refer to the CRDF housing chart furnished by the Population Management Bureau (PMB) Classification Unit to remain consistent with the appropriate security level housing of inmates. 

Exceptions to Housing by Security Level

Classification/Triage personnel shall not intentionally deviate from the security level guidelines when housing inmates.  However, some exigent circumstances may allow for mixing of security levels.  These circumstances may include, but are not limited to:

  • Medical housing
  • Mental health housing
  • Court ordered programs
  • Special Housing [REDACTED TEXT]
  • Pregnant females [REDACTED TEXT]

Due to housing limitations at CRDF, a medium security level inmate may be housed with either minimum or maximum security level inmates, depending on the criminal charges of the medium security inmate.

Classification/Triage Personnel Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the watch commander to ensure that Classification/Triage personnel determine the risk and needs of each newly admitted inmate.  Each inmate shall be assessed and addressed individually.  The assessment will be based on objective and identifiable criteria that provides for the placement of the inmate in the least restrictive housing compatible with her assessed risk and needs. 

Pregnant Inmates

All female inmates housed at CRDF who fall between 18 and 50 years of age will be offered the opportunity to have a urine pregnancy test at the time of intake.  Within three (3) to four (4) minutes after administering the pregnancy test, the results are made available to Correctional Health Services (CHS) personnel.  If an inmate tests positive for pregnancy, CHS shall inform PMB and the [REDACTED TEXT] Liaison, via email, providing the inmate’s name and booking number.

PMB will house pregnant inmates according to their needs and security level. Regardless of the pregnant inmate’s housing location, they will have unrestricted availability to use the restroom.  Pregnant inmates will be provided nutritional snacks with dinner.  If an inmate is going to court, they will be provided their snacks prior to leaving the facility. The [REDACTED TEXT] Liaison will ensure the needs of the pregnant inmates are being met. 

The [REDACTED TEXT] Liaison’s responsibilities consist of the following:

  • Prepare a weekly report for the operations lieutenant and captain listing all pregnant inmates, delivery dates, medical appointments, and issues or requests of significance
  • Ensure the inmates are provided with a double tan mattress or a thick green mattress
  • Ensure the inmates are provided a second blanket
  • Provide larger shoes when requested
  • Verify with Food Services Bureau personnel that the inmates are receiving their prescribed special diet
  • Interact with medical and mental health personnel regarding the needs of pre and post pregnancy inmates
  • Inform the inmates of Department policy and guidelines as it relates to pregnancy, handcuffing, restraints, and any other pertinent issues. 
  • Ensure the inmate has been assigned to a lower tier and lower bunk
  • Verify the inmates have an orange loop around their wristband to promote optimum safety
  • Ensure the inmates are provided jail house uniforms identified specifically for pregnant female inmates
  • Discuss labor support options with the inmates and make the appropriate arrangements
    • Ensure all required paperwork is completed and submitted within a timely manner
  • Ensure compliance with Assembly Bill (AB) 732

Special Circumstances (Pregnant Females)

In the event a pregnant inmate housed at CRDF loses their child during pregnancy, during delivery, or anytime thereafter while in custody, the on-duty watch commander shall complete a Chief’s Memo.  A Chief’s Memo shall also be completed in the event any other abnormality occurs during an inmate’s pregnancy or during delivery.

Upon the inmate’s return to CRDF, the on-duty watch commander shall contact CHS medical and mental health personnel, the K-8 Liaison, or their designee, to arrange a medical and psychological evaluation of the inmate.  The purpose of this evaluation is to ensure the inmate’s medical and psychological needs are identified, treated, and monitored during the duration of her incarceration.   

NOTE:  Following delivery, a miscarriage, or an abortion, an inmate shall be reclassified into appropriate housing after their medical recovery period has concluded and they have been provided with appropriate jail house clothing based on their classification (i.e., general population, mental health, etc.).

Emergency and Major Classification Changes

The watch commander shall have the administrative authority to reclassify inmates on an emergency basis.  In the event of an emergency reclassification of inmates by the watch commander, PMB personnel shall be notified immediately.  If personnel from CRDF PMB are not available, supervisors may contact the PMB Classification Unit at [REDACTED TEXT]

Inmates requiring emergent classification to Restricted Housing shall first temporarily be classified as a [REDACTED TEXT] and housed accordingly.  Notification to the CIS-Jail Liaison Unit shall be made as reasonably possible upon placement into [REDACTED TEXT] housing.

NOTE:  Refer to CDM sections 5-01/010.00, “Inmate Classification Responsibilities and Policies” and 3-20/000.00, “Restrictive Housing Panel” for additional information.

REVISED 06/28/23

REVISED 10/03/22

REVISED 06/25/21

REVISED 04/19/17

REVISED 01/09/15