The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for attorney and professional visitation with inmates housed at the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF).
This order shall apply to all personnel who are assigned to and/or working in any capacity at the CRDF.
All attorney and/or professional visits shall be processed through the CRDF visiting center.
- Persons who qualify as a professional visitor shall be granted an unlimited amount of time for the visiting session, with the exception of legal runners.
- Professional visitors shall not be restricted to the number of visits per day, unless otherwise specified.
Professional visiting hours are Monday through Friday from 0915 to 1600 hours.
NOTE: The visiting doors shal remain open during business hours. Any deviation from this unit order shall be approved by the on-duty watch commander.
The following information shall be provided to the public upon request by visiting center personnel:
- The street address and telephone number to the CRDF and other custody facilities.
- CRDF visiting rules and regulations information.
- Schedule of visiting days and hours at the CRDF and other custody facilities.
Personnel may also direct the public to the Department’s website at www.lasd.org for additional information.
- All professional and investigative visitors requesting a visit to interview inmates are required to have an active visitation account in the IVVS.
- All professional and investigative visitation accounts in the IVVS shall contain updated information and a current photo and/or identification.
- All visitations shall be managed and recorded in the IVVS.
- CRDF visiting personnel shall follow all general procedures as indicated in Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 5-10/010.05, “Inmate Video Visitation System.”
- Visitors shall only visit with the inmate registered in the IVVS. Visitors who roam onto any floor or visit with another inmate not named on their IVVS registration, or visit with other visitors, shall have their visit canceled and be escorted off the premises;
- Visiting privileges may be canceled or changed at any time or under the following situations:
- Medical clearance is not granted for the inmate
- Facility lockdown
- Inmate exhibiting hostile/aggressive behavior
- Any visitor who poses a safety or security threat to other visitors, the inmate, or custody personnel may be barred from visiting, permanently or temporarily.
- All professional visitors are subject to search at any time while on the jail grounds or inside the jail facility. If a professional visitor must be subjected to a pat down/cursory search, a sergeant shall be present.
- Visitors are required to submit to a metal detector search prior to gaining entry into the visiting area. If contraband is found, the visitor may be subject to arrest at the discretion of the watch sergeant. Visitors refusing the metal detector search shall have their requested visit denied.
- Professional visitors shall be searched primarily for weapons or any devices that can be used to aid an escape. Briefcases and other containers shall be visually scanned for contraband items. At no time shall a visiting staff member subject a professional visitor to a scrutinized, detailed search, unless probable cause exists.
- Professional visitors shall only be allowed to take pertinent legal material into the visiting area. Personal items such as books, newspapers, and other non-legal items shall be secured in a locker or private vehicle prior to entering the visiting area. Food or drinks shall not be permitted into the visiting areas.
- Attorneys in possession of a valid California State Bar card, Office of Inspector General (OIG), and American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) representatives may use laptop computers/tablets during their professional visit with their inmate. ACLU representatives may only use devices with a marked “PROPERTY OF ACLU” laptop. Upon signature and agreement to the terms and conditions outlined on the “Custody Division Laptop Request and Acknowledgement Form (SH-J-460),” as delineated in CDM section 3-01/090.05, "Wireless Communication Devices." The form shall be provided by the visiting personnel and shall be completed for each visit by an attorney requesting to use a laptop computer/tablet in the visiting area.
- Attorneys and other professional visitors requesting to use a laptop computer/tablets or any other materials in an interview room during a face-to-face visit shall submit a court order indicating the same to the CRDF Legal Unit for approval before their visitation.
NOTE: In the event a professional visitor requires the use of a recording device for incidents occurring before the inmates’ incarceration, visiting staff shall immediately contact the unit commander or watch commander for approval before allowing the visitor entry into the attorney room. Upon approval, the professional visitor shall supply the recording device and tape(s) and submit the items for inspection of contraband prior to use.
- Professional visitors are authorized to pass legal documents through the pass-through slot unless otherwise specified in the “Credentials and Specific Limitations” portion of this unit order.
- If a professional visitor requires documents to be passed to the inmate, visiting personnel shall notify floor personnel. The floor rover shall inform the inmate and their visitor that the transaction can occur during the last five minutes of the visit only.
- The legal document pass-through slot shall remain secured at all times unless custody personnel is present to supervise transactions to prevent contraband from entering the facility.
- At no time shall the pass-through slot be left open and unsupervised for professional visitors to pass items to inmates freely.
- Professional visitors shall submit all items intended for the inmate to custody personnel to be inspected for contraband prior to the inmate receiving them.
- Only legal documents are allowed to be passed to the inmate.
- Contraband items shall not be allowed to be passed to the inmate.
Contraband items include but are not limited to the following:
- Paperclips
- Staples
- Metal foil
- Plastic transcript covers
- Metal fasteners
- Rubber bands
- Pens/pencils
- Pictures/photos
- Carbon paper
- Sealed envelopes
- Books
- Stationery supplies
- Stamps
- Inmate grievance/request forms (must be subpoenaed by the attorney or mailed)
- Firearms, weapons, ammunition, cameras, cell phones and other recording devices shall not be permitted in the visiting area.
- The visiting staff shall advise all professional visitors of policy at the time the visiting pass is processed.
- Any professional visitor in possession of the above-listed items shall be instructed to secure them prior to entering the visiting area.
An investigator who has the need to confidentially interview an inmate shall contact the on-duty watch commander in person for approval. The investigator shall also obtain approval for any electronic devices or wireless communication devices being brought into the securedarea of the facility. Once advised, the on-duty watch commander shall ensure visiting personnel are notified concerning which electronic devices and/or wireless communication devices are allowed to be used during the interview.
NOTE: Per 4575 (a) P.C., possession of an unauthorized wireless communication device in a secured area of the facility is prohibited.
Face-to-Face Visits Defined
A face-to-face visit is a visiting session between a professional visitor and an inmate in an interview room without any physical barrier separating them. A face-to-face visit is necessitated when a professional visitor specifies a need to conduct a medical or psychiatric examination, or the deposition of an inmate.
All requests for a face-to-face visits shall require a court order specifically requesting a face to-face visit. The court order shall be submitted to the CRDF Legal Unit for prior approval; however, in certain cases, the on-duty watch commander may approve the visit if theattorney or medical/mental health professional is in the possession of the court order.
All face-to-face visits require a court order unless the individual requesting the visit is law enforcement or Public Defender’s assigned to Department 95. Please refer to CDM section 5-10/055.00, “Inmate Interview Procedures for Law Enforcement.”
Face-to-Face Visits General Guidelines
- All face-to-face visits with professional visitors shall be conducted in the Century Booking Area unless otherwise specified via court order (i.e., face-to-face at the inmate’s cell door).
- All professional visitors must present valid and authentic identification at the time of check-in. Once verified, the visitation shall be recorded on the IVVS.
- The visiting staff shall issue a temporary movement pass via the Automated Jail Information System (AJIS), contact the housing module where the inmate is located, and arrange for the inmate to be immediately escorted to Century Booking.
- Visiting staff shall escort the professional visitor to CRDF Main Control.
- The professional visitor shall exchange their identification for a temporary movement “escort only” pass.
- Temporary movement “Non-escort” pass shall only be issued to law enforcement priority visits.
- All inmates shall have one wrist handcuffed to the table during any face-to-face visit.
- All inmates shall be strip-searched before and after a face-to-face visit; if unable to conduct such search (staffing issues, etc.), the inmate shall be escorted to the reception area where they are to go through the B-Scanner.
NOTE: “All inmates may be strip-searched after they have had direct contact with third parties. Such third party contacts include inmate contact visits with friends, families, or outside professionals, such as chaplains and volunteers; inmates returning from court without a release order; inmates returning from an out-of-facility activity such as a medical appointment, temporary release, or transfer between facilities.” Please refer to CDM section 5-08/010.00, “Searches” for additional information.
- All face-to-face visits shall be visually monitored by Department personnel assigned to Century Booking, where the visit is conducted.
Under no circumstances shall a visitor engage in any form of physical contact with the inmate. Violation of this policy shall result in the termination of the visit.
All weapons shall be secured prior to entering the secured areas of the facility.
Face-to-Face Visits Requested During Non-Visiting Hours
- The visitor shall enter the facility through the main entrance and present appropriate identification or credentials along with a court order for a contact visit to Main Control personnel.
- Visiting personnel shall record the information about the visit in the IVVS.
- Main Control personnel shall confirm the inmate is housed at the CRDF and that the visitor’s credentials are legitimate.
- The visitor shall exchange their identification for a temporary movement “escort only” visitor pass from Main Control.
- Main Control shall contact the module housing officer where the inmate is housed and arrange for the inmate to be immediately escorted to Century Booking.
- Main Control shall notify and supply the watch commander with the visitor’s name and the inmate whom they are visiting.
- The visitor shall secure any weapons and belongings shall be searched for contraband items.
- If Main Control personnel find it necessary to search the person of the visitor, a sergeant shall be present; the reason for the pat-down/cursory search shall be documented in the facility log by the supervising line deputy assigned to Main Control.
- The visitor shall be escorted to Century Booking.
- Arraigned inmates shall be strip searched before and after the face-to-face visit.
- Pre-arraigned inmates shall be cursory searched before and after face-to-face visits. Pre-arraigned inmates may be strip searched if there exists a reasonable suspicion based upon specific facts that such person is concealing a weapon, drugs, or contraband.
If a strip and/or visual body cavity search is necessary for any pre-arraigned misdemeanor inmate, the watch commander shall complete and sign a “Strip Search Authorization Record” (SH-R-399), which shall be forwarded to the unit commander for review.
Public defenders assigned to Department 95 shall be allowed face-to-face visits at the cell door of those inmates who are either court refusals or pose other problematic issues affecting the determination of their competency to stand trial. A court order is not required.
The pre-approved public defenders’ names and LA County employee numbers shall be provided to the CRDF Legal Unit. This list shall be forwarded to Main Control and visiting personnel. The public defender shall register as a professional visitor and check in with the CRDF visiting personnel before visiting an inmate. Visiting personnel shall notify Main Control that the public defender is approved to enter into the facility. The Public Defender shall be escorted to the inmate’s cell door by custody personnel. Public defenders who must utilize a laptop or recording device shall obtain a court order faxed to the CRDF Legal Unit at [REDACTED TEXT]
If the public defender is unable to visit the inmate during the CRDF’s professional visiting hours, they shall:
- Enter the facility through the main entrance and present valid identification or credentials to Main Control personnel.
- Main Control personnel shall confirm the public defender’s name is on the list provided by the Legal Unit or by the Office of Religious and Volunteer Services (RVS).
Should any problems arise, Main Control personnel shall contact the watch sergeant or watch commander, who may authorize entrance into the facility.
The list of “court-ordered” psychiatrists shall be maintained in Main Control and visiting. This list includes psychiatrists assigned by the courts to facilitate the mental health needs of the inmates. The psychiatrist’s name must be on the current list and they must be in possession of, and present, a valid court order, a valid photo identification card, and medical/psychiatric identification at the time of the visit. Court-ordered psychiatric visits should occur during normal business hours or stated facility visiting hours.
Type I prisoners are entitled to an attorney/bondsman visit within the first 24 hours of their incarceration. This entitles Type I prisoners housed in the Type I jail an “after hour” visit. The “after hours” visit shall be arranged by the watch commander. After the 24 hour period
expires, all attorney/bondsman visits shall occur during posted professional visiting hours and coordinated by the CRDF Visiting Center.
News media personnel requesting to interview an inmate must be authorized by the concerned Custody Division chief. Sheriff’s Information Bureau (SIB) shall be notified whenever a news media interview takes place in any Department custody facility. News media interviews shall not be granted for:
- Inmates who have not been arraigned
- Any exception to this policy will require a court order
- Inmates suffering from mental health disorders or undergoing court ordered psychiatric evaluation
- Federal prisoners (including for media information and/or photographs), without the written approval of the U.S. Marshals Service
Personnel handling the request shall complete the News Media Interview Record Form (SHCR-550) and shall inform the concerned inmate, in private, through an interpreter ifnecessary, of the request for an interview. The SH-CR-550 form shall be checked and signed by the inmate indicating an understanding of their constitutional rights and acceptance or refusal of the interview.
If an inmate refuses the interview:
- The requesting news media organization shall be notified,
- The inmate shall be requested to sign or indicate refusal of the interview on the SH-CR-550,
- If an inmate requests a consultation with their attorney before granting approval for an interview, or requests to have their attorney present during the interview, the on-duty watch commander shall provide the inmate with the opportunity to contact the attorney on record,
- If the inmate is represented by the Los Angeles County Public Defender’s Office, it shall be noted on the SH-R-550. It is the policy of the Public Defender’s Office that their clients shall not give media interviews. If the inmate insists on the interview, the watch commander shall call the Chief of Central Superior Court Trials Division, Public Defender’s Office, who will arrange for a public defender to represent the inmate at the interview. The requesting news media representative shall be advised of Public Defender’s Office requirements.
- If the Public Defender’s Office is closed or permission cannot be obtained, the interview shall be denied.
News media interviews shall take place in a secured area designated by the unit commander. Sworn personnel shall be present; however, they shall not participate in the interview. News media personnel wishing to enter the secured area of the jail facility for the purpose of recording or filming, in any form, for any reason other than an inmate interview requires the approval of the Sheriff. This requires advance notification, no less than two days, to the Media Liaison Section of SIB.
SH-CR-550 forms shall be maintained at the originating Unit for two years.
For additional information regarding news media interview requests, refer to CDM section 5-10-020.05, “News Media Interview Requests.” This policy cross-references with Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP) section 5-03/060.10, “News Media Interview Requests.”
The following occupations qualify as professional visitors:
- Attorney
- ACLU interns
- Bondsman
- Certified law student
- Department of Children and Family Services or Department of Public Social Services employee
- Clergy
- Foreign embassy personnel
- Certified interpreter
- Law enforcement official
- Legal runner
- Medical/mental health personnel - including Los Angeles Superior Court Psychologist/Psychiatric Panel Members, hereafter referred to as the “The Panel Members”
- Material witness
- News media representative
- Notary public
- Paralegal
- Parole or probation officer
- Private investigator
- Process server
- Public defender/alternate public defender
Professional visits are granted only for official and professional business. All professional visitors must be able to prove their official and professional business with the inmate they request to visit.
All professional visitors shall present valid credentials bearing their photograph and a serial number. All professional visitors are expected to maintain professional appearance when visiting. Priority visitors dressed casually or of unkempt appearance may be excluded.
Attorney’s (Private):
- Shall present a valid government issued photo identification card
- Shall present a valid California State Bar card
An attorney with a court order:
- May bring in two (2) material witnesses who are necessary in for preparation for their case.
- May visit a prisoner at any time during the first 24 hours of incarceration
- May use laptop computers/tablets during their professional visit, upon signature and agreement to the terms and conditions outlined on the “Laptop Request and Acknowledgment Form (SH-J-460),” as delineated in CDM sections 5-10/030.00, “Attorney and Professional Room Visits,” and 3-01/090.05, “Wireless Communication Devices.”
Attorneys must complete the “Attorney Interview” form (SH-J-9), when applicable as delineated in Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP) section 5-03/060.05, “Interview At Court Lockups.”
An attorney requesting to visit an inmate on a civil case or civil deposition shall contact the CRDF Legal Unit before the visitation for approval.
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Interns:
- Shall present a valid government issued identification card
- Shall present a letter of authorization from a Custody Services Division chief (On file with CRDF Operations and/or Legal Unit)
- ACLU interns do have pass-through privileges
ACLU interns shall be granted unlimited visitation privileges during professional priority visitation hours.
ACLU interns may use laptop computers/tablets (marked “PROPERTY OF ACLU” laptop) during their professional visit, upon signature and agreement to the terms and conditions outlined on the “Laptop Request and Acknowledgment Form (SH-J-460),” as delineated in CDM sections 5-10/030.00, “Attorney and Professional Room Visits,” and 3-01/090.05, “Wireless Communication Devices.”
Material Witnesses:
- Shall not be a family member
- Shall present a valid photo identification
- Shall complete form SH-J-319
- Shall present a valid court order and shall be named in the court order
- Shall be accompanied by an attorney at all times
- Two (2) material witnesses per visit may accompany an attorney
- Do not have pass-through privileges
Persons presenting themselves as a material witness for a Pro Per inmate shall be allowed visits with the inmate on public visiting days only. This visit is separate from the inmate’s regular visit.
Public Defenders, District Attorneys, and U.S. Attorneys:
- Shall present a valid U.S., State, or County badge and identification card
- A Los Angeles County Public Defender’s identification card shall be acceptable identification for access
- Do have pass-through privileges
Public Defender/Alternate Public Defenders Law Clerk/Legal Assitants
- Shall be allowed access if they are accompanied by a Public Defender or paralegal in possesion of a valid Public Defender or Alternate Public Defender's identification
- Do not have pass-through privileges
Out-of-State Attorneys:
Attorneys not licensed to practice law in the State of California shall not be admitted to the attorney room unless they are accompanied by a California licensed attorney and are in possession of a pro hac vice order (a court order allowing an out-of-state attorney to temporarily practice law in California) authorizing the attorney to visit an inmate. Attorneys licensed by another state may visit inmates held on their state’s fugitive warrant and need not be accompanied by a California licensed attorney.
- Shall present a government
issued photo identification card
- Shall present a valid identification card issued by the Department of Insurance
- Shall present a photocopy of the bail agency’s current license
- May visit a prisoner any time after bail has been set
- Do have pass-through privileges
A bondsman shall be allowed to bring one person designated as bail sponsor into the attorney room. The bail sponsor is subject to background check prior to admission to the attorney room.
Private Investigators:
- Shall present a valid government
issued photo identification card
- Shall present a valid identification card issued by the Department of Consumer Affairs
- Shall not be a relative of the inmate
- May be named in a court order
A private investigator may provide other forms of documentation verifying they have lawful business with an inmate. This documentation can include, but is not limited to, an appointment letter, witness list, or letter from an attorney stating the investigator needs to interview a particular inmate for a criminal case.
Foreign Embassy Personnel:
- Shall present a valid government issued photo identification card from their country’s embassy
- May bring an interpreter with identification from the embassy
- Shall be granted unlimited visitation privileges.
- Do not have pass-through privileges
Visiting personnel shall notify the on-duty watch commander of any visit by a foreign embassy.
Certified Law Students:
- Shall present a valid government issued photo identification card
- Shall present a letter of certification from the State Bar Committee of Bar Examiners entitling the law student to act as an attorney
- Do not have pass through privileges
A certified law student's information must be on file as such with the visiting supervisor before requesting a professional visit.
The certified law student does not need to be under the direct, physical supervision of the attorney designated in the letter of certification.
Notaries Public:
- Shall present a valid government issued photo identification card
- Shall present a valid notary stamp
- Do have pass-through privileges
Medical/Psychiatric/Mental Health Personnel:
- Shall present a valid government issued photo identification card and medical/psychiatric identification
- Shall present a valid court order
- Do not have pass through privileges
“One-time” or special ordered visits by psychiatrists, not on the court-ordered list, may be granted pursuant to a court order. "The Panel Members” are not exempt from the court order requirements.
- Shall present a valid government issued photo identification card from the Public Defender’s office named in a court order accompanied by a letter from the attorney
- Shall present a valid California driver’s license/ identification card, or passport.
- Do not have pass through privileges
Parole or Probation Officers:
- Shall present a valid agency issued photo identification card.
- Presentation of a badge does not constitute proper identification
- Do have pass-through privileges
Investigators (District Attorneys, Public Defenders, and U.S. Attorney Investigators):
- Shall present a valid agency issued photo identification
- Do have pass-through privileges
Process Servers:
- Shall present a valid, governmental-issued photo identification card
- Shall present a process server’s state license.
- Do have pass-through privileges (legal documents only)
If a process server is needed, contact Civil Management at 310-603-7422.
Legal Runners:
- Shall be approved by a judge
- May be a relative to the inmate
- Shall present a valid, governmental-issued photo identification card
- Do have pass-through privileges
The legal runner shall fill out the legal runner application and fax it to the CRDF Legal Unit, at [REDACTED TEXT]. Once a legal runner has been approved, the Legal Unit will notify visiting personnel.
Persons presenting themselves as a legal runner for a Pro per inmate shall be allowed visits with the inmate on public visiting days only. The legal runner’s visit doesn’t constitute an inmate’s regular visits.
A legal runner shall be processed as a professional visit. Their visiting pass shall be immediately processed without having to wait in the public visiting line. A legal runner shall submit to a search by visiting personnel before being allowed into the visiting area. A legal runner is allowed one (1) visiting session each public visiting day lasting thirty (30) minutes each session.
- Shall present a valid county issued identification card specifying their status as an interpreter
- Shall be accompanied by an attorney or other qualified visitor
- Do not have pass-through privileges
Non-County employees shall present a court order containing their full legal name and ID number. All interpreters presenting a court order shall be subject to a background check.
Family members or friends shall not serve as interpreters.
Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) Social Services Employees:
- Shall present a valid government issued photo identification
- Shall present a valid agency photo identification card
- Do have pass-through privileges
Presentation of an agency photo identification card alone will not grant access.
Non-County Social Services Employee and Medication-Assisted Treatment Program (MAT) Assessors:
- Shall present a valid government issued photo identification card
- Shall present a valid agency photo identification.
- Shall present a minute order and letter from the case carrying social worker appointed to the specific inmate’s case
- Do have pass-through privileges
Presentation of an agency photo identification card only does not constitute proper identification.
Clergies (Outside):
- Shall present a valid government issued photo identification card
- Shall present an official ministerial credential
- Shall present a letter of authorization from the Office of Religious and Volunteer Services (RVS)
- Shall not perform religious services
- Shall not make physical contact with the inmate
- Shall only provide spiritual counseling
- Shall be the minister of the inmate or inmate’s family
- Shall not be permitted to visit an inmate who is a relative as a professional visitor
- Shall not bring any other person into the attorney room
- Do not have pass-through privileges
Clergy are limited to one (1) per week and inmate.
Multiple visitors shall be advised of the public visiting procedures. The watch commander may approve multiple visitors in exceptional circumstances, such as a death notification.
Law Enforcement Officials:
Law enforcement investigators include, but are not limited to: federal or state law enforcement officers, district attorneys or district attorney investigators, outside agency enforcement officers, and any deputy sheriff personnel not assigned to Custody Operations.
Investigators requesting to interview an inmate shall adhere to the following guidelines:
- During normal visiting hours, investigators will be processed by CRDF visiting personnel. For interview requests during non-visiting hours, the investigator shall seek approval from the on-duty watch commander.
- Investigators shall present their agency identification to CRDF visiting personnel, and visiting personnel shall record the visitation in the IVVS.
- Investigators requesting to interview an inmate in the secured area of the facility shall seek approval from the on-duty watch commander.
Failure to comply with any of these requirements will result in denial of the interview.
Professionals requesting to schedule a telephone conference shall send an email to: ivvssupport@lasd.org
Custody personnel shall ensure the inmate is granted access to a telephone during the identified time frame located on the teleconference pass. If the inmate refuses or the facility is on lockdown; a notation shall be documented in the e-UDAL under the additional information section.
Absent a court order, inmates shall not be transported to another jail facility to be interviewed. Personnel can obtain a removal order; however, the individual with the request shall contact the Head Clerk at the Inmate Reception Center (IRC) at [REDACTED TEXT] Pertinent Department policy regarding removal orders are in the following MPP and CDM sections:
MPP 5-03/170.00, “Removal of Prisoner from County Jail By Court Order”
MPP 5-03/170.05, “Arrest Warrant-Juvenile (4004 P.C.)”
MPP 5-03/170.10, “Department Responsibilities”
MPP 5-03/170.15, “Attempt to Deviate From Order”
MPP 5-03/170.25, “Capital Offense Charges and Cases Involving Great Notoriety”
MPP 5-03/172.00, “Request For Removal of Prisoner From State Institutions”
CDM 5-14/020.00, “Removal Orders”
Revised 01/23/2024
Revised 08/18/2022
Revised 07/01/2021
Revised 03/22/2018