5-03-045 Medical and Mental Health Triage (Reception and Century Booking)- Approved by CSS Policy Review 4/25/2023

The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the triage and screening of female inmates during the intake process at Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF) or Century booking.

This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to, and/or working in any capacity at CRDF.

All inmates newly booked into CRDF, either through the reception center or Century booking, shall be evaluated for, but not limited to, medical and mental health problems, developmental disabilities, and communicable diseases.

All females booked at Century Station shall be escorted to the CRDF reception center once the booking process has been completed. Female bookings shall not be escorted directly from booking to module [REDACTED TEXT] or any other housing area, prior to being triaged in the reception area. All female bookings shall be evaluated by Correctional Health Services (CHS) personnel prior to housing.

During the triage and/or classification process, booking/reception personnel shall ask the following questions to identify inmates in need of medical and/or mental health care.
1) Are you currently taking prescribed medication that you must take within the next six (6) hours?
2) Are you thinking about harming yourself?

If the inmate answers yes to either question, CHS personnel shall be summoned to examine the inmate and determine if they need to be expedited through the booking process.

CRDF personnel who identify an inmate who may be suicidal or presents a suicide risk, shall immediately do the following:
• Notify mental health staff;
• Notify the reception center sergeant and supervising line deputy;
• Complete a Behavioral Observation and Mental Health Referral (BOMHR) form (SH-J-407)
• Remove any articles that may assist the inmate/prisoner in harming themselves (sheet, towel, t-shirt, etc.) and provide them with a suicide prevention gown;
• Place inmate under direct and unobstructed visual observation;
• Expedite the intake/triage process.

Personnel assigned to the reception center shall ensure the inmate(s) is updated on the Defendants Inmate Movement Management System (DIMMS). The following CRDF operation/ location code shall be used to reflect the inmate was expedited to module [REDACTED TEXT] for an assessment by healthcare personnel.
• CREX-Century Regional Expedite to Module [REDACTED TEXT]

Custody personnel shall maintain constant and direct supervision of the inmate until they are evaluated by CHS personnel.

Upon evaluation, inmates determined to be suicidal/mentally ill by CHS, shall be assigned to appropriate mental health housing. The appropriate wristband shall be made prior to the inmate being escorted to their housing location. In addition, personnel shall ensure the BOMHR report accompanies the inmate and is given to the receiving module personnel.

Century Booking Area

Booking personnel who encounter a female prisoner who is suicidal/mentally ill shall do the following for all non-cite outs:
• All female prisoners identified as suicidal shall be waist-chained and placed in booking cell [REDACTED TEXT] to ensure constant and unobstructed supervision of the prisoner;

If booking cells [REDACTED TEXT]are utilized by other suicidal/mentally ill prisoners, other cells facing the booking desk that provide unobstructed supervision of the prisoner may be utilized, if necessary;

• Initiate a BOMHR form and generate a reference number;
• Notify the booking sergeant and on-duty watch commander;
• Initiate 15 minute inmate safety checks utilizing the Title 15 barcode scanner. If the scanner is unavailable or not operating, a manual entry    shall be made stating the time the inmate safety check was completed, in addition to the time the handcuffs or waist chain were placed on    the inmate. This information shall be documented in the “Additional Information” section of the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-      UDAL);
• All policies delineated in CDM section 7-03/000.10, “Security Restraints and Separation/Isolation of Inmates,” shall be followed;
• Female prisoners shall be expedited to the reception area;
• Remove any articles that may assist in self-harm and provide the prisoner with a suicide precaution gown;
• Notification to the “on-call psych” shall be made by reception area personnel;
• Notification to the reception area sergeant and supervising line deputy shall be made;
• Expedite the intake/triage process.

Booking personnel who encounter a male prisoner who is suicidal/mentally ill shall do the following for all non-cite outs:
• All male prisoners identified as suicidal shall be waist-chained and placed in booking cell [REDACTED TEXT] to ensure constant and unobstructed supervision of the prisoner;
o If booking cells[REDACTED TEXT] are utilized by other suicidal/mentally ill prisoners, other cells facing the booking desk that provide unobstructed supervision of the prisoner may be utilized, if necessary
• Notify the booking sergeant and on-duty watch commander;
• Initiate 15 minute inmate safety checks utilizing the Title 15 barcode scanner. Adhere to the procedures described above in the section concerning inmate safety checks for female prisoners;
• Initiate a BOMHR form; however, do not generate a reference number;
• Contact the arresting agency for transportation of the male prisoner to the Inmate Reception Center (IRC);
• Provide the transporting officer with the BOMHR form.

Cite-Outs for Male and Female prisoners:
The same process shall occur for all prisoners being cited and released; however, booking personnel shall contact the Mental Evaluation Team (MET) and/or the arresting agency advising them of a possible 5150 release.

Over-the-Counter Bookings (CRDF Inmate Reception Center)

All Sheriff’s station and police department personnel shall contact the CRDF watch commander prior to transporting a female inmate to CRDF for housing. The watch commander or designee shall approve the transportation of the prisoner to CRDF once the prisoner is completely booked and live-scanned. The requirements listed on the JDIC message titled, “BOOKING REQUIREMENTS AT INMATE RECEPTION CENTER (IRC)” shall be followed.

Upon arrival at CRDF, the inmate shall be evaluated for acceptance by a CHS nurse. This applies to ALL over-the-counter bookings. In the event a nurse is not available in the reception area to complete the assessment, reception personnel shall contact the CRDF main clinic and request a nurse to respond and conduct the acceptance evaluation. The transporting officers shall be instructed to wait until CHS personnel accepts the prisoner/inmate.

An inmate who has received outside medical treatment prior to being transported to CRDF and has received a medical diagnosis, a prescription for medication, or a plan of treatment, must be reviewed by CHS personnel prior to CRDF accepting the inmate. The decision made by CHS personnel, in most cases, should be considered final.

The on-duty watch commander shall log all denials in the Watch Commander’s Log.

NOTE: When booking personnel see or determine obvious signs of a new booking (non-cite outs) with healthcare needs, (third trimester pregnancy, wearing a cast or brace, etc.), they shall contact the on-duty supervising nurse (ext. [REDACTED TEXT]) and request CHS personnel to respond to the Century Booking area.

NOTE: Refer to CRDF Unit Order 3-00-00 “Module [REDACTED TEXT] Procedures” for additional information pertaining to the booking process.

REVISED 4/11/23
REVISED 3/02/20
REVISED 6/06/13
REVISED 8/10/07