5-03-010 Escorts and Inmate Passes (Housing, Medical, Video Conference, Department 95 Hearings, and Teleconference)-CSS Approved 03/06/2023


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the movement of inmates within the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF).


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at CRDF.


Inmate Passes

Passes are an integral part of inmate movement, as they may relate to Correctional Health Services (CHS), inmate release, housing assignments, video conferences, visiting, and court line.  Delayed or unfulfilled passes may cause noncompliance with Title 15 standards, inmate over detentions, and adversely affect jail operations. 

Absent exigent circumstances, custody personnel shall ensure inmate passes/requests for service are fulfilled in a reasonable amount of time.  If custody personnel are unable to obtain assistance in accommodating an inmate pass/request for service, they shall notify their supervising line deputy or sergeant. 

It is the responsibility of the supervising line deputy or sergeant to ensure all pending inmate passes/request for service for their assigned housing locations are completed prior to the end of their shifts.  If the pass/request for service cannot be completed, the tower supervising line deputy or tower sergeant shall notify the watch commander to determine if further action must be taken.  The notification to the watch commander and outcome shall be documented in the electronic or paper Uniform Daily Activity Log (UDAL/e-UDAL) and verified by the tower supervising line deputy or tower sergeant. This also applies to passes/requests, wherein service was completed and cleared from the Automated Justice Information System (AJIS) absent the physical movement of the inmate.

Once the service is completed for the issued pass, it is imperative that personnel promptly clear the pass (es) in AJIS to ensure the following:

  • Accurate documentation of generated inmate pass/request for service
  • Inmate movement
  • Facility population count
  • Allow any additional inmate pass/request for service to generate

In addition, if a pass generated by Inmate Reception Center (IRC) cannot be completed, IRC Document Control personnel and IRC watch commander shall be notified immediately by personnel from the location responsible for completing the pass.

Proper notification of any pending inmate passes/requests for service shall be made to the oncoming shift, so the pass may be completed.  For further information pertaining to inmate passes and requests for service, refer to Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 5-12/010.005, “Inmate Passes/Requests for Service,” and 3-07/000.00, “Automated Justice Information System (AJIS) Inmate Inventory Audit.”


Rovers are responsible for the control and security of the corridors and sally-ports.  Rovers are also responsible for the movement related to inmate passes/requests for services assigned to their respective floors and shall expeditiously accomplish this.  The rover deputy shall maintain frequent contact with the module deputy to inquire which passes have been generated and escort the inmate (s) forthwith.

Temporary Movement Log

When an inmate leaves their housing module for any reason, their name, booking number, time, and location shall be documented on the temporary movement log.  In the event of an emergency, this will assist personnel with locating inmates who are assigned to the module but are not physically present.

CRDF Inmate Reception Center to Temporary or Permanent Housing

All arriving inmates at CRDF shall be processed through the reception center.  The processing custody assistant shall determine the initial inmate housing assignments.  Reception center custody personnel shall escort inmates to their assigned modules.  If this cannot be accomplished due to staffing issues or an incident occurring within the immediate area, reception personnel may ask for the assistance of other custody personnel from the facility.

The transfer of inmates between housing areas shall be arranged by the processing custody assistant. Custody personnel assigned to module [REDACTED TEXT], intake, shall notify the processing custody assistant when inmates have been cleared for permanent housing.  The processing custody assistant shall locate appropriate housing for each inmate based on classification and keep away status. When the inmate arrives to their housing assignment, ensure they are removed from the MCO3 screen.

NOTE:  Inmates escorted to discipline or pre-discipline shall be handcuffed.  Prior to the move, the tower sergeant or tower supervising line deputy shall be notified.

NOTE:  Inmates with classifications [REDACTED TEXT] and High Observation Housing (HOH) inmates shall be handcuffed prior to and during movement out of their pod or housing location.

Court Line/Transfer

The CRDF reception center is the centralized point for all inmate court line and transfer activity.  All inmates being processed for court and/or transferred shall be escorted to the reception center by the floor rover.

Daily Video Conferences and Department 95 Hearings 

Monday through Friday, the CRDF Legal Unit will disseminate the daily video conference list and Department 95 Hearing list to line personnel.  The first list will be generated and distributed by 0700 hours.  The second list, better known as the “Add-on-Video Conference list” will be prepared and distributed by 1200 hours.  Module personnel shall print this list every morning and afternoon as an inmate pass/request for service will not be generated.  The inmates identified on the list, shall be escorted to the designated location at least ten minutes prior to their scheduled visit by the floor rover.  If the floor rover is unavailable to escort the inmate to the designated location, module personnel shall contact the tower supervising line deputy to request assistance.  For further information, refer to CDM section 5-10/010.05, “Inmate Video Visitation System.”


The Correctional Innovative Technology Unit (CITU) is responsible for arranging teleconferences between professionals and inmates housed at CRDF.  After a pass is generated, module personnel shall escort the inmate from their cell to any phone located within the housing module.  Module personnel shall provide the inmate with the step-by-step instructions located on the pass.  These instructions are as follows:

  • Inmate shall pick up the receiver
  • Select option #1 for English and option #2 for Spanish
  • Select option #9 for Teleconference
  • Input booking number and pin number
  • The call is automatically routed to the scheduled teleconference call
  • In the event the first attempt was unsuccessful, please have the inmate try again or switch to another phone

NOTE:  While waiting for the incoming call from the professional, the caller may experience extended periods of silence (advise the inmate not to hang up).

Confrontations with Hostile or Aggressive Inmates

The escorting of inmates to the clinic or to the discipline module after confrontations shall be done in the presence of a sergeant and video recorded.  Any personnel involved in any type of confrontation with the inmate shall not be part of the escort team.

The presence of the supervisor shall be included in written reports concerning the incident.  The recorded video shall be downloaded to the proper folder in the shared files on the computer for future reference.  For additional information refer to CDM sections 7-04/000.00, “Escorting Procedures for Combative or Uncooperative Inmates,” and 7-02/020.00, “Handling Insubordinate, Recalcitrant, Hostile, or Aggressive Inmates.”

Inmates Housed in High Observation Housing (HOH) Units

When escorting an HOH inmate to and from the main clinic, and/or the reception center, two custody personnel should be utilized, when feasible. This type of escort can include at least one deputy and one custody assistant, or two deputies.  If the inmate is handcuffed or waist chained, the escorting personnel should have positive two point contact with the inmate.  Utilizing this technique will ensure better control over the inmate in situations where the inmate becomes assaultive and/or resistive.

NOTE:  Custody personnel have the discretion to escort a line of “cooperative” HOH inmates to and from the main clinic and reception area.  A minimum of two custody personnel should be utilized.

REVISED 02/06/23

REVISED 11/27/19

REVISED 11/07/19

REVISED 07/25/19

REVISED 06/20/18