5-00-02 Inmate Nail Clipper Procedures- CSS Approved 03/06/2023


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures regarding the storage, accountability, and distribution of inmate nail clippers at the Century Regional Detention Facility (CFDF).  This order also addresses required disinfectant procedures.


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at the CRDF.


Every floor control booth in the east and west towers will be provided one pair of nail clippers for each module on their respective floors.  Each nail clipper shall be tagged with the coordinating module number and shall be accounted for by custody personnel assigned to the control booth at the beginning of their shift. 

During program time, module personnel may check out the nail clippers from the control booth.  Floor control personnel shall document the time, date, and the name of the employee who checked out the nail clippers on the Nail Clipper Inventory Log.  At the end of program time, module personnel shall return the nail clippers to the floor control personnel.  Floor control personnel shall document the time and the name of the employee who returned the nail clippers on the Nail Clipper Inventory Log.

If nail clippers are not returned to the floor control booth by the end of shift, floor control personnel shall contact the respective module officer in an effort to account for the missing nail clippers.  If the nail clippers cannot be located, floor control personnel shall immediately contact the tower sergeant or supervising line deputy and a search shall be initiated.

If nail clippers are broken, floor control personnel shall be responsible for returning them to Inmate Services personnel for replacement. The nail clippers shall not be discarded. 

NOTE:  Broken or lost nail clippers shall be documented on the Nail Clipper Inventory Log.

Nail clippers shall be issued to inmates upon request.  Inmates utilizing the nail clippers shall be seated in a chair next to the staff station and shall be supervised at all times.  When the inmate is done, the nail clippers shall be returned to the module officer and disinfected.

NOTE:  After each individual use, the nail clippers shall be disinfected with Clippercide Spray by module personnel only.  When not in use, the Clippercide shall be secured at the staff station.

When program time has concluded, the nail clippers shall be returned to the floor control booth.