The purpose of this order is to identify allowable inmate property, establish protocols for the storage of inmate property and contraband control at the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF).
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at the CRDF.
All property possessed by female inmates must conform to Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 5-06/010.10, “Allowable Inmate Property-Female Inmates,” and must be stored in a “new generation inmate property bag.”
All personal and County property (excluding bedding) must fit inside one (1) inmate property bag. Inmates found to have allowable personal property in excess of authorized limits may elect to:
For additional information about an inmate’s personal property and contraband disposal, refer to CDM sections 5-06/050.00, “Individual Inmate Storage of Personal Property,” 5-07/010.00, “Contraband Defined,” and 5-07/020.00, “Contraband Disposal.”
Pro-Per Inmates
Pro per inmates (approved through the Legal Unit) are allowed one (1) bag for property and one (1) additional bag for legal paperwork only.
Linen and Clothing Items
Excess clothing and linen items are considered contraband. Excess is defined as any clothing or linen beyond the quantity issued to inmates.
Linen and Clothing items |
Quantity |
Blanket |
2 |
Panties |
7 |
Socks |
4 |
L.A. County issued jail uniform |
2 sets |
L.A. County issued thermals* |
1 set |
NOTE: Inmates housed in High Observation Housing (HOH) areas shall not be issued thermals, unless deemed appropriate by Correctional Health Services (CHS) mental health clinician, in consultation with custody.
NOTE: Property restrictions for inmates assigned to mental health housing shall be determined by a mental health professional after a clinical assessment has been conducted.
NOTE: In accordance with CDM section 5-11/060.00, "Bedding, Linen, and Clothing Exchange," inmates assigned to single person cells (administrative segregation, discipline, etc.), in areas other than mental health housing, shall have the standard mattress cover and bed sheets removed as indicated.
For additional information about property restrictions for mentally ill inmates refer to CDM section 5-01/050.15, “Property Restrictions for Mentally Ill Inmates.”
To maintain compliance with California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 15 section 1270, “Standard Bedding and Linen Issue,” the top bed sheet and mattress cover shall be replaced with two (2) blankets. Therefore, inmates assigned to single person cells in the above-identified locations will be allowed a total of three (3) blankets.
Prohibited Material
Photographs or pictures that display gang members or associates, gang tattoos, or hand gestures (signs) are prohibited. Sexually explicit materials (e.g., books, magazines, videos or photos) are prohibited, as described in CDM sections, 5-06/030.00, “Inmate Reading Material” and 5-07/010.00, “Contraband Defined.” Retention of questionable photographs shall be decided by the tower sergeant.
Radical Literature
Literature which openly advocates any of the below subjects are prohibited and considered contraband:
Contraband includes, but is not limited to:
Refer to CDM section 5-07/010.00, “Contraband Defined,” for additional information.
Contraband Disposal
Department personnel shall utilize the [REDACTED TEXT] to dispose of contraband items such as glass containers, bottles, cans, plastics, metals, rubber, razors (disposable and reusable without a protective cover) or any other items prohibited inside housing areas.
The custody assistant (CA) assigned to the inside clean-up crew shall be responsible for removing all red contraband waste containers every week. A log shall be kept for each [REDACTED TEXT] and shall list the following:
Broken or disposable hypodermic needles and syringes shall be kept in a secured area designated by CHS personnel. Final disposal of medical contraband items shall be supervised by Department personnel and disposed of at the nearest appropriate disposal site approved by CHS.
Weapons and narcotics shall be placed into evidence, pending possible disciplinary action and/or criminal proceedings. All evidence submitted shall adhere to procedures outlined in the Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP), Volume 5, Chapter 4, “Property and Evidence Procedures,” and CDM section 5-14/080.00, “Narcotic Evidence Booking Procedures.”
For additional information on contraband and disposal, refer to CDM section 5-07/020.00, “Contraband Disposal.”
Disposal of Perishable Contraband
As outlined in CDM section 5-08/010.00, “Searches,” to ensure clean and sanitary housing for all inmates, perishable foods served with inmate meals not consumed within a four (4) hour period, will be considered contraband and shall be destroyed. Custodial personnel shall collect trash after each meal to ensure compliance.
Possession of Money
Any money found in the possession of an inmate shall be considered contraband and confiscated. The confiscated money may be deposited into the inmate’s account or placed on a status of “held” as evidence. An Inmate Reports Tracking System (IRTS) report shall be prepared by the module office, or their designee, whenever an inmate is found with money.
A cashier’s receipt shall be issued for monies deposited to an inmate’s account. This does not apply to money held as evidence, nor does it affect the imposition of discipline for possession of money. Confiscated money deposited to an inmate’s account may be designated “Hold Until Inmate Released.” The facility watch commander must authorize the release of funds from “hold” status.
For additional information, refer to CDM sections 5-06/020.05, “Confiscated Money,” and MPP sections 5-04/090.20, “Hold Currency,” and 5-04/090.40, “Deposit Money.”
Books and Magazines
Inmates may receive books or magazines if sent directly from the publisher or a bookstore. As specified in CDM sections 5-06/010.05 and 5-06/010.10, “Allowable Inmate Property,” excessive amounts of reading material or inappropriate publications that are already in possession of an inmate are considered contraband and shall be confiscated.
For additional information on the review procedures for IRC mailroom and custody facilities, appeals of rejected publications, and reading material in disciplinary housing, refer to CDM section 5-06/030.00, “Inmate Reading Material” for additional information.
Revised 06/08/21
Revised 05/18/16