5-15-030 Justice Inmate Video Conferencing System (JIVCS)


To establish policy and procedures for the Justice Inmate Video Conferencing System (JIVCS) at the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF).


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to CRDF.


Legal Unit Responsibility

Each day (excluding weekends and holidays) the Legal Unit will receive a Video Conference Daily Schedule via fax/e-mail from the Video Conferencing Coordinator. Upon receiving the schedule, the Legal Unit shall ensure the Video Conference list is distributed to all line staff personnel. If there are any delays with the inmate being placed in front of the JIVCS monitor, the Legal Unit shall notify the Video Conferencing Coordinator at 213-974-2924. If a video conferencing machine is inoperable, module personnel will inform the legal unit, who will make the appropriate notifications.

The Legal Unit shall be responsible for maintaining a file of all scheduled interviews. The Legal Unit shall provide the Video Conference Coordinator with a full and complete explanation for each interview not conducted or completed.

Module Officer’s Responsibility

Each day, the module officer shall ensure that the inmate is seated in front of the JIVCS monitor at or before the scheduled interview time. If the inmate cannot be in front of the monitor by the specified time or the machine becomes inoperable, then the Tower Sergeant and the Legal Unit shall be immediately notified of the delay. An entry into the Uniform Daily Activity Log (UDAL) shall be made specifying if the interview was conducted, not conducted, or delayed. Interviews are scheduled to begin at 0800 hours and conclude by 1800 hours.

Interviews are scheduled in thirty (30) minute blocks. If another interview is scheduled, time will be taken away from the following interview. The participating agencies are aware of the policy and should comply. If non-compliance on their part is experienced, contact the Legal Unit so the problem can be addressed.

JIVCS Locations

Each housing area is assigned to use a specific JIVCS machine. If an inmate is assigned to a housing area wherein a JIVCS machine is not installed, it will be the floor prowler’s responsibility to escort the inmate to and from the module’s designated JIVCS location. Refer to the JIVCS location assignments listed below:

JIVCS East Tower

 Inmates housed in Modules 1300, 1400, 2100, 2200, 2300, and 2400 will be designated to utilize the video conference machine located in Module 2200.

 Inmates housed in Modules 3100, 3200, 3300 and 3400 will be designated to utilize the video conference machine located in Module 3100.

JIVCS West Tower

 Inmates housed in Modules 1600, 1701, 1702, 2500, 2600, 2700, and 2800 will be designated to utilize the video conference machine located in Module 2700.

 Inmates housed in Modules 3500, 3600, 3700 and 3800 will be designated to utilize the video conference machine located in Module 3700.

Inmates will be escorted by Deputy Personnel to the assigned video conference machine prior to their scheduled conference time.