5-08-050 Medical Services, Defined


To define the Medical Services available to inmates at the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF).


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to CRDF.


Sick Call

Allows inmate’s access to medical personnel for complaint of medical conditions. The nurse will interview the inmate in the housing area and determine if any treatment or further examination by medical staff is necessary.

Pill Call

Allows inmates who take daily medication to receive their medication and have access to medical services. A nurse will dispense the medications as prescribed by a physician.

Treatment Line

Allows inmates who are in need of a specific medical treatment, e.g., blood pressure check, dressing change, weight check, etc., access to this treatment on an out-patient basis.

Doctors Line

Allows inmates who have been screened by the nurse and referred for further treatment, access to a physician.

Dental Line

Allows inmate’s access to a dentist for examination or treatment.

Lab Work Line

Allows lab test(s), as ordered by a physician, for inmates being treated by the medical services staff.

Psychiatric Line

Allows inmates access to mental health services. A mental health evaluation may be requested by the inmate, medical services staff, CRDF staff, and friends or family of the inmate.