5-01-020 Public Information Plan-Approved by CSS on 9/12/2022


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the dissemination of information to the public, government agencies, news media and to comply with the requirements of the California Code of Regulations, Title 15 Minimum Jail Standards.


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF).


CRDF shall make copies of the Public Information Plan available to the public, government agencies, the inmate population of CRDF, and the news media for review upon request.

Copies of the CRDF Public Information Plan can be found in the CRDF Main Control, visiting, and the Century Patrol Station.
Whenever there is a revision of unit orders affecting Title 15 issues, it shall be the responsibility of the Operations deputy or their designee to ensure the Public Information Plan is updated.

Revision Date 08/24/2022
Revision Date 01/09/2017