5-08-020 Ambulance and Paramedic Services-2022


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for ambulance and paramedic response for an employee, visitor, or an inmate, who is injured or ill and requires emergency medical care and transport.


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to or working in any capacity at the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF).


In the event of a medical emergency involving an inmate, employee, or visitor, custody personnel shall immediately notify the main clinic and/or Main Control via handheld radio broadcast.  Custody personnel shall describe the nature of the emergency (e.g., seizures, hanging, unresponsive, etc.), provide the location of the incident, request medical personnel to respond to the location, and request an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and the emergency response kit, as necessary.  If a handheld radio is not available or working, the use of a facility telephone or other means of communication shall be used to relay the information. 

Correctional Heath Services (CHS) personnel, when available, should make the determination for the necessity of paramedic response and ambulance transportation for an employee, inmate, or visitor.  In the absence of CHS personnel, any facility personnel may request paramedic response and ambulance transportation for a medical emergency.

NOTE:  The on-duty watch commander shall be advised of all ambulance requests.


The Main Control SLD shall contact the Los Angeles County Fire Department and request paramedic and ambulance response to CRDF, at the direction of CHS personnel, or as necessary.  Based on the location of the emergency, arriving emergency personnel shall be directed to either the CRDF Inmate Reception Center (IRC) bus bay area or the Century Station entrance.  Upon arrival, emergency personnel shall be escorted by deputy personnel to the location of the injured or ill employee, inmate, or visitor. 

[REDACTED TEXT] The Main Control SLD, in consultation with the on-duty watch sergeant and watch commander shall elect to assign deputy personnel to provide security for any injured or ill employee.

It shall be the responsibility of the party requesting paramedic response and ambulance transportation to provide the Main Control SLD with the following information:

  • Time ambulance/paramedics were called and estimated time of arrival
  • Who requested service, name, and call back number (i.e., CHS, Nurse Doe)
  • Exact location where assistance is needed
  • Scope of medical problem, chief complaint, or what has been observed (difficulty breathing, unconscious, not breathing, etc.)
  • Name, age, gender, and booking number of the ill or injured person
  • Name of the hospital/location where the ill or injured person shall be transported to by emergency response personnel

The Main Control SLD shall log the following information in the facility Daily Activity Log:

  • Initial time of the incident including the nature of the emergency (chest pain, fell, labor, etc.)
  • Time fire dispatch was contacted
  • Time emergency personnel arrived on scene
  • Name of ill or injured person. If ill or injured person is an inmate, provide booking number
  • Name of deputy personnel providing security
  • Uniform Report Number (URN) and reference number associated with the injury or illness


An injured or ill inmate shall be secured to a gurney with a handcuff during transportation. [REDACTED TEXT]  The escorting deputies shall obtain an inmate hospital packet from the Main Control SLD prior to transport.  The inmate hospital packet shall include the following:

  • A copy of the Hospital Security Assessment form
  • A copy of the inmate’s Los Angeles County Regional Identification System (LACRIS) photo
  • A copy of the Automated Justice Information System (AJIS) information
  • A copy of the Consolidated Criminal History Reporting System (CCHRS)
  • A copy of a map of the hospital facility and surrounding areas
  • Emergency contact information

The inmate’s hospital packet shall remain with deputy personnel providing security of the inmate until the inmate is released from the hospital back to the CRDF.

NOTE:  When an inmate must be transported via ambulance for non-emergent medial reasons, CHS personnel shall coordinate with the on-duty watch sergeant, or their designee.

Revision Date 4/12/21

Revision Date 4/8/13