5-23-040 Inmate Orientation

The purpose of this order is to establish orientation procedures for all incoming inmates at the time of booking at the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF).

This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at the CRDF.

In order to educate newly received inmates with jail rules and services and other pertinent information, various inmate orientation posters have been placed throughout the facility and living areas.

Additionally, each inmate, at the time of intake, shall receive a “Guide Through Custody-Los Angeles County Jail” (SH-J-447) orientation pamphlet which covers the following subjects

 Correspondence
 Rules, regulations, code of conduct, and disciplinary procedures
 Requests, healthcare services requests, healthcare grievances and grievance forms
 Programs and activities available, including method of application
 Visiting and telephone calls
 Classification/housing assignments
 Sexual Abuse/Sexual Harassment-Zero Tolerance-Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) and Inmate Comprehensive Education Form (SH-J-632)
 Medical/mental health and dental care

Jail House Rules

The Inmate Rules and Regulations Form (SH-J-386) shall be posted in each housing unit in both Spanish and English by module personnel. For those inmates who cannot read English or Spanish, module personnel shall instruct them verbally or provide them with material (in an understandable form) regarding jail rules, disciplinary procedures, and penalties.

Inmate Education

The Department provides correctional educational programs in custody as mandated in the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 15 section 1061, “inmate Education Plan, “ and Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 5-13/130.00, “Inmate Education.” Inmates can enroll in any of the classes and programs offered at the facility by completing an Education Based Incarceration Bureau Program Request Form (SH-J-450).

CRDF provides inmates with a myriad of resources that quickly identify, process, and assess their risks and needs to create a more gender-responsive facility. The goal is to provide the inmates with programs to help them recover from addiction, abuse, untreated healthcare needs, and unhealthy relationships, while focusing on giving inmates the skills to be self-sufficient prior to returning to their communities.

The following units work collaboratively to ensure each inmate is offered programs that
will benefit them while in custody and following their release. Those units include:

 Education Based Incarceration (EBI)
 Community Transition Unit (CTU)
 Population Management Bureau (PBM)
 Correctional Health Services (CHS)

NOTE: Refer to the Station Jail Manual (SJM) section 6-14/020.00, “Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Station Jail Orientation,” for additional information on pretrial inmates at a Type 1 Facility.

Revised 06/24/21
Revised 04/20/17
Revised 08/19/13