3-02-040 Inventory and Control of Personally Assigned Aerosol Chemical Agents


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the accurate inventory and adequate control of personally assigned aerosol chemical agents.


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) North Facility.


It shall be the responsibility of the PDC North Facility training staff to maintain an inventory control log of all aerosol chemical agent canisters personally issued to PDC North Facility personnel.  The log shall be maintained for a minimum of two years from the date of disposal of the last item listed. 

All personally assigned aerosol chemical agent canisters that are damaged, expired, empty, and/or predominately empty rendering its use ineffective, shall be replaced with a new, unused canister by the PDC North Facility training staff.

It shall be the responsibility of the watch sergeant to issue a temporary, numbered aerosol chemical agent canister to Department personnel working at PDC North Facility who are not assigned to Custody Division.  The watch sergeant shall notate the canister number and the employee it was issued to in the watch commander’s log.  The employee shall return the aerosol chemical agent canister to the watch sergeant’s office at the end of their shift. 

At no time shall an aerosol chemical agent canister which was not appropriately registered and inventoried be brought into a secured area of PDC North Facility.