Effective Date: September 19, 2019
The purpose of this order is to set forth policies and procedures that are necessary for the Bureau to operate ethically, equitably, efficiently, and effectively. Having all staff adhere to professional ethical standards, policies, and procedures is an essential in upholding the values and mission of the Department and our Bureau.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to Psychological Services Bureau (PSB).
Ethical conduct shall be upheld at all times to help meet the mission of the Bureau, maintain the Department personnel’s high regard for our profession, and prevent clients or potential clients from being exposed to harm. The following are examples of ethical violations that require prompt corrective action:
-Using personal cell phone that has non-Department business or personal information (i.e., a secondary employment title or generic answering services) on the voicemail to conduct LASD business;
-Unwillingness to demonstrate accountability for unprofessional conduct, ethical misconduct, or failures to perform to standards;
-Exploitation of working relationships;
-Placing personal interests above meeting the standard of care for client care in terms of competent assessment, intervention, follow-up, case management, referral, and/or documentation;
-Using County property or resources for secondary employment or personal needs;
-Working at secondary employment site while being paid to be on-duty at LASD-PSB;
-Deficient, delayed, or missing documentation for clinical and consulting services;
-Failure to observe the Bureau’s chain of command, and standard operating procedures and policies, except when expressly allowed by Department/County policy;
-Maligning subordinates, colleagues, or managers to others inside or outside the Bureau or Department for any purpose;
-Hazing co-workers;
-Promoting or referring to a personal side business while representing LASD-PSB;
-Making false statements against others to evade or redirect misconduct or performance issues;
-Intentional misrepresentation of hours worked;
-Developing a quid pro quo relationship with consulting or counseling clients while in the role of PSB consultant or clinician;
-Feigning of illness or injury;
-Refusing to cooperate fully in any Department inquiry or investigation;
-Unwillingness to seek professional psychological treatment when distress level or level of function is disrupting client care, Bureau operations and/or staff functioning;
-Withholding important communications and/or interfering in other ways with colleagues working successfully in pre-assigned consulting units/divisions; and
-Placing personal agendas above the Bureau’s mission;
PSB managers/supervisors shall take appropriate action to address all violations or deficiencies in following this order, including non-disciplinary corrective action for the involved employee, and/or referring the incident for disciplinary action. PSB managers/supervisors are responsible for tracking violations or deficiencies and the corrective action taken for each incident.