Reference: Title 15, Section 1072; CDM 3-05/030.00 and 5-13/100.00
The purpose of this order is to establish guidelines for the scheduling of religious services. Inmate attendance will satisfy the facility obligation to follow the regulations outlined in Title 15, Section 1072.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to and working at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.
Church services are conducted as scheduled by Religious and Volunteer Services (RVS). A schedule of services is posted to indicate the location, time, type of service, and barrack population allowed to attend. Services are conducted in the chapel. The types of services include Catholic, Christian Science, and Protestant in both English and Spanish. The occupancy for each service is restricted by fire code, and designated barracks are scheduled throughout the week to provide all inmates an opportunity to attend church services.
To reduce the amount of contraband passed between inmates, the upper compounds (barracks 30-38) which houses general population (GP) inmates, and the lower compounds (barracks 43-51) which houses working inmates, shall not attend religious services at the same time.
All inmates attending religious services shall line up in the count box upon notification of the service. Inmates shall be escorted to and from the chapel by RVS or South Facility personnel.
During AM shift, Henry Compound personnel shall monitor inmate traffic going into and coming out of the chapel, at specific times. Henry Compound personnel shall periodically monitor inmates during church services. During PM shift, the personnel assigned to Eddie Compound and the Inmate Processing Area (IPA) shall monitor inmates during church services.
Jewish services for the holy days are conducted by special arrangement at North County Correctional Facility. The Rabbi will respond to South Facility for counseling upon request.
The chaplains at South Facility will schedule and conduct individual counseling upon request.
Death notifications and notifications of inmate family emergencies are conducted by the chaplains. Funeral visitation privileges, if authorized, are handled through the RVS Protestant Chaplains' office at Men's Central Jail.