5-08-110 Inmate Library

Reference: CDM Sections 5-09/070.00, 5-13/150.00,5-13/150.05, 5-13/160.05



The purpose of this order is to establish guidelines for the use of the Inmate Library.



This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and/or working at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.



The inmate library shall share the Eddie Compound trailer (next to the Eddie/George gate) with the medical pill call annex. The medical pill call annex shall occupy the north half of the trailer and the inmate library shall occupy the south half.

Operation of the inmate library shall be the responsibility of the Law Enforcement Technician (LET) assigned to the PDC South Facility’s inmate services office. The inmate services LET shall coordinate all book checkout/returns and ensure the corresponding compound personnel document library services in the Uniform Daily Activity Log (UDAL) book.


Library books shall be offered to all inmates once per week as long as it does not interfere with normal facility operations. Every Tuesday, inmates housed in the Adam, Boy, and Eddie compounds shall have the opportunity to check out one book. Every Thursday, inmates housed in the Henry, King, and Mary compounds shall have the opportunity to check out one book. In the event of unforeseen circumstances (e.g., facility emergencies, lockdowns, etc.) the library schedule may be adjusted to facilitate inmate library access based on facility operations.

Inmates shall only be allowed to check out one book at a time for a period of one week. If a book has been checked out by an inmate, the inmate shall return that book in order to check out another book. An inmate may check out the same book for another week on their weekly checkout day.

When an inmate checks out a book, the LET shall record the inmate’s name, booking number, barrack, and bunk number in the library journal.


Inmates do not have to wait for their weekly checkout day to return a book. If they are finished with the book, it may be returned at any time. The inmates shall be instructed to return their checked out book if they know they are scheduled to attend court or be released. If any inmates do not return their books within the allotted week, a list shall be generated by the librarian with the names, barracks, and bunk numbers of all late book holders. An inmate trustee shall collect all late books based on the generated lists.

Inmates caught stealing or damaging library books shall be disciplined according to Custody Division Manual (CDM) 5-09/070.00, “Inmate Discipline Schedule.”


The following types of books shall be available in the inmate library:

  • Non-fiction
  • Fiction
  • Legal reference
  • Religious


For Inmates claiming pro-per status, Population Management Bureau (PMB) Custody Housing Unit (CHU) – North shall be contacted. Upon PMB CHU – North’s confirmation, the pro-per inmate shall be transferred to and re-housed at Men’s Central Jail (MCJ) or Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF), based on the inmate’s classification.

Revision Date 05/14/20

01/24/95 SOUF