5-08-100 Inmate Educational Opportunities

Reference: CDM 5-13/130.00



The purpose of this order is to establish the hours, location, and curriculum offered by Five Keys Charter Schools, working within the security of Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.



This order applies to all personnel, including Five Keys staff, assigned to, and working at PDC South Facility.



Educational classes are conducted in Barracks 41, 42 and in the Eddie Compound classroom trailer, Monday through Friday during day shift hours. Vocational education in advanced building, maintenance and construction are conducted at several sites outside security, just south of the facility. Instructors are provided by Five Keys Charter Schools.

Educational programs are available to all eligible inmates, however, teachers will screen inmates for qualification into the programs. Classes consist of the following:

  • English as a Second Language, for Spanish speaking inmates
  • Required courses for a general education development (GED) certificate
  • Review of educational skills
  • High school diploma courses
  • Vocational training in advanced building maintenance/construction and painting, pet grooming, carpentry, landscape maintenance, and bicycle repair
  • Maximizing Education Reaching Individual Transformation (MERIT) programs with emphasis on substance abuse and domestic violence education

When an inmate obtains his GED certificate, forms are supplied by the Education Center to the State. The certificate is registered with the State and the inmate receives a State Certification of Achievement.

Security in the school trailer is provided by periodic checks by the George Compound Deputy. Two Deputies are assigned for security of the vocational school sites.