Reference: CCR Title 15 Section 1067; CDM 5-13/020.00
The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for use of the inmate telephones.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and working at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.
Inmate telephones are installed throughout PDC South Facility, located in groups, halfway between the barracks and the south fence line in each compound. There are additional telephones located in the recreation yard.
These telephones are equipped for outgoing calls only and do not require any money to contact the operator. All calls must be made by utilizing the services provided by the telephone service provider.
Inmate telephones are available 24 hours a day, seven days per week. The telephones may be turned off during normal operational activities and emergent occurrences such as lockdown, inmate count, meals, investigations and disturbances. All inmate telephones will remain accessible to inmates at all times, unless there is warranted justification to restrict access or usage.
In the event inmate telephones need to be turned off, personnel making the request shall notify the watch deputy at PDC South main control (David). The watch deputy shall then notify the watch sergeant or watch commander for approval. Approval to turn off the inmate telephones shall be noted by the assigned watch deputy in the daily desk log.
South David personnel shall enable/disable the inmate phones using the system control on the web application, which can be accessed with the following link: [REDACTED TEXT] In the event there are problems using the web application, ViaPath tech support can be reached at (800) 646-6283.
Inmate telephones shall not remain shut off for more than twenty four (24) hours without written approval from the unit commander.
This unit order exceeds the requirements set forth by the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Minimum Jail Standards, Title 15 Section 1067.
Revision Date 08/28/18
Revision Date 03/17/16
05/18/95 SOUF