5-08-050 Inmate Recreation and Exercise Procedure

Reference: CCR Title 15 Section 1065; CDM 5-13/120.00



The purpose of this order is to establish guidelines for providing inmates with access to recreation and exercise.



This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and working at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.



Per Title 15, inmates are to receive a minimum of three (3) hours of exercise and recreation over a period of seven (7) days.

The inmate recreation yard is the only area at South Facility designated for general population (GP) and inmate worker exercise. It will be open for inmates to use on a pre-scheduled basis, and is subject to closure due to security concerns, inclement weather and operational needs.

Pull-up/dip bars have been installed in each designated MERIT, EBI, and BOT barrack for inmates to use.

The activities of the inmates in the recreation yard will be supervised by the assigned Title 15 yard deputy. The Title 15 yard deputies will refer to the posted, pre-determined inmate recreation yard schedule (see Attachment A), which will be revised on an as-needed basis by the Title 15 sergeant. Inmates scheduled to receive recreation for a particular day will be escorted by the Title 15 yard deputyies to and from their respective compound.

In the event any pre-scheduled yard time is cancelled for any reason (e.g., inclement weather, major disturbances, escapes, etc.), and it creates a deficit in the required three (3) hour allotment, every effort shall be made to reschedule those inmates during the next available yard time. The on-duty watch commander shall immediately be notified as to the reason for the cancellation. The Title 15 yard deputy will then immediately document the reason for the cancellation and the name of the watch commander notified in the Uniform Daily Activity Log (UDAL).

Based upon the availability of staffing and security, the inmate recreation yard may be opened during non-scheduled days and/or hours to meet weekly Title 15 compliance requirements.

The PDC South Facility inmate recreation yard provides the following athletic activities:

  • Volleyball
  • Exercise bars
  • Jogging
  • Soccer
  • Basketball


The AM shift supervising line deputy, in conjunction with the Title 15 deputies, shall inspect the interior fence line of the inmate recreation yard each day prior to its opening. The Title 15 deputies will identify, document and remedy any potential security problems before allowing inmates to access the inmate recreation yard.

The Title 15 yard deputies shall be responsible for providing security for inmates utilizing the inmate recreation yard. The Title 15 yard deputies shall conduct random security walks while inmates are in the yard. The Title 15 yard deputies shall request an available compound rover to provide visual security and monitor their activity during the walk.

The Title 15 yard deputies shall conduct and document random searches of inmates throughout their shift.

The Title 15 yard deputies will be responsible for enforcement of jail rules violations of inmates in the yard, including “red line” violations regarding inmates loitering on the yard’s interior fence line.

All recreation yard activities and/or incidents, including Title 15 compliance, security checks, random inmate searches, inmate injuries, criminal activity, jail rule violations, disturbances, and use of force shall be documented on the Yard Compliance Tracker (see Attachment B).


The assigned Title 15 yard deputies will make a radio broadcast over his/her Department issued radio, announcing that the inmate recreation yard will be occupied by a particular compound of inmates.

When the eagle towers positions are staffed, deputies assigned to the towers shall pay particular attention to all fence lines while the inmate recreation yard is in operation.

Revision Date 04/02/19

Revision Date 03/01/17

01/24/95 SOUF