5-07-050 Reclassification Transfer Request

REFERENCE: CDM Section 5-01/010.00



The purpose of this order is to establish guidelines for inmate reclassification transfers.



This order applies to all personnel assigned to and working at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.



The Population Management Bureau (PMB) is responsible for making decisions regarding inter-facility transfers of inmates.  Each unit has the prerogative of moving inmates to other facilities for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to, discipline, medical treatment, security reason, etc.

The authority to make these decisions rests with the unit commander and their designated representatives, usually the watch commander.

All personnel who have requested that an inmate be relocated from this facility to another facility for reclassification, will complete an electronic Special Handling Form, which is accessible on the intranet, accompanied with a Transfer Request form. The watch sergeant or watch commander’s approval is required prior to any movement. These forms, along with the inmate's classification papers, will accompany the inmate to their new facility. These documents shall include a complete set of all reports relating to that transfer (e.g., discipline, medical, information reports, etc.) and shall in every instance accompany the inmate back to the Inmate Reception Center (IRC); Attention: Population Management Bureau.

Once the Reclassification paperwork has been approved by the PMB, the inmate’s Automated Jail Information Screen (AJIS) will be updated. Main Control will then contact the Central Housing Unit (CHU) – North Office, to issue a teletype for transfer.

An Adam Unit or first available transport will then transfer the inmate to the facility that was designated by PMB.


  • The reclassified inmate MUST be secured and separated from the General Population.
  • Line Personnel must complete a Special Handling Form and an IRTS (Inmate Report Tracking System, if applicable.
  • Watch Sergeant or Watch Commander approval is required.


  • IRC and PMB must be notified of the requested reclassification.
  • After ALL necessary paperwork has been approved and AJIS has been updated, CHU - North will be contacted for the issuance of a teletype and determine the new housing location.

The inmate will then be transferred to their new housing location via Adam Unit or first available transport. All required paperwork must accompany the inmate during their transfer to the next facility.