5-07-020 Processing Release Lines


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures to be followed, by each shift, in processing release lines.



This order applies to all personnel assigned to and working at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.



PDC South Facility houses inmate workers who work outside PDC South Facility boundaries. This creates constant movement of inmates into and out of the facility [REDACTED TEXT]. Due to this movement, [REDACTED TEXT], PDC South Facility shall not process outgoing lines on AM shift, without the approval of the watch sergeant.



The EM, AM, and PM shift watch deputies shall be responsible for developing and distributing the daily outgoing/release line list. Throughout the day, various inmate transportation request teletypes are received via the Justice Data Interface Controller (JDIC). These teletypes can range from releases, state custody transfers, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), parole hearings, and programs like rehabilitation. All of these teletypes shall be collected and saved for the PM shift watch deputy. The PM shift watch deputy shall be responsible for reviewing these teletypes and creating an outgoing line list. Any emergency, bond, or time sensitive release teletype shall be handled on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with Department policy.

The outgoing line list shall be created using the outgoing entry form located in the following PDC South Facility share file:


The master file, if used correctly, will provide a breakdown of the total number of inmates leaving PDC South Facility by barrack, as well as give a total inmate count on the outgoing line.

The PM shift watch deputy shall verify that the inmates are housed at PDC South Facility and add the inmates’ information to the outgoing line list form. [REDACTED TEXT]

In assigning disposition codes, the watch deputy should use the following guidelines:



Once finalized, a copy of the outgoing line list shall be emailed to the IPA personnel, laundry personnel, range personnel, and PDC ranch kitchen personnel. IPA personnel will be responsible for printing the outgoing line list and distributing a breakdown of individual barrack lists to each respective compound. IPA personnel shall keep an official copy of the list in the IPA and give one copy to each of the transporting Court Services Transportation (CST) crews.


When IPA personnel are ready to process the outgoing line, they shall make an announcement to the facility, instructing which compounds are to escort their outgoing inmates to the IPA. Line personnel shall call out inmates by their name and booking number and verify the inmates’ identity by checking their wristband. Once the inmates arrive at the IPA, the IPA personnel shall be responsible for the following:

  • Verifing and comparing each inmate’s wristband information to the information on the outgoing paperwork
    • If there are any discrepancies, IPA personnel shall immediately notify the watch deputy
    • The watch deputy shall make the final determination as to the inmate's correct booking number
    • If the inmate needs a new wristband, IPA personnel shall replace the wristband before the inmate leaves the facility
  • Conducting a search of the outgoing inmates and their property and confiscating all jail issued linen, mattresses, jackets, beanies, thermals, boots, shoes, jackets, and books
  • Escorting all outgoing inmates to the CST holding area and preparing them for the arrival of CST
    • All inmates shall be separated according to classification and security concerns
  • Conducting a physical count of the inmates (this count should match the number of inmates on the outgoing paperwork)
  • Ensuring all paperwork is in the possession of inmates being transferred for the following reasons:
    • Medical – inmates being transferred for medical reasons shall possess a transfer envelope, prepared by medical staff, containing all applicable paperwork and a signed, original copy of any medical or mental observation forms
    • Reclassification – reclass transfers, sent via CST, shall require a teletype issued by IRC classification (this is issued once IRC classification, or a supervisor, has approved the electronic Special Handle Request)
    • Discipline – disciplinary transfers, sent via CST, shall require all paperwork to be faxed to Central Housing Unit (CHU) North, who shall assist PDC South Facility with discipline housing at MCJ (CHU North will issue a transfer teletype for the inmate and coordinate with CHU South to ensure IRC properly routes the inmate(s) to MCJ discipline)
  • Posting a copy of the outgoing paperwork on a clip board located in the IPA office (this copy will contain the transporting CST crew number, the number of inmates taken, and all inmates removed [scratched] from the outgoing line)

The watch deputy shall be notified of any changes made to the outgoing line, make the appropriate log entry and adjust the facility count sheet. All inmates on the outgoing line shall be updated to “SOIR” on the [REDACTED TEXT]

Revision Date 03/04/19

05/26/95 SOUF