The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for outgoing court lines at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to and working at PDC South Facility.
The early morning (EM) shift watch deputy shall be responsible for preparing and coordinating daily court lists. The watch deputy shall retrieve the facility court list by accessing the Defendant Inmate Movement Management System (DIMMS) report, which is made available at 0001hrs. A Justice Data Interface Controller (JDIC) teletype from Inmate Reception Center (IRC) will be received at 0100 hours, indicating which inmates will be going to court. The watch deputy shall compare the JDIC teletype with the DIMMS report to identify any discrepancies and/or changes in the court list.
After retrieving the DIMMS report at 0001hrs, the EM watch deputy shall check the housing location of all the inmates listed to ensure they are housed at South Facility.
After determining which inmates need to be on the court list, the watch deputy shall prepare a master court list. The master court list shall be distributed to the inmate processing area (IPA) personnel and the in/out shack. A copy of the master court list shall be faxed to Correctional Services Transportation (CST) North [REDACTED TEXT] as soon as possible to arrange transportation. After distribution of the master court list, the watch deputy shall prepare compound court lists and ask for a rover to deliver them to each individual compound.
Compound officers shall wake up the inmates whose names are on the court list for their compound. Personnel shall not wake or disturb inmates whose names do not appear on the court list. Once all inmates from each compound are awake and ready for court, they will be escorted to the IPA and prepared for transportation to court.
Once all inmates have arrived at the IPA and are ready for transportation to court, IPA personnel shall place them in the appropriate holding areas next to the CST sally port. If any inmates who have court appointments are not present at the IPA, IPA personnel shall notify the respective compound officer(s) to locate the missing inmate(s). Once located, any missing inmate(s) shall be immediately escorted to the IPA by compound personnel.
If an inmate’s name is on the court list and they refuse to attend court, they shall be sent to disciplinary housing for delaying operations. Compound personnel shall read the court refusal admonition to the inmate and have them sign a court refusal form. These forms can be found in the following South Facility share folder: [REDACTED TEXT]
The reading of the admonition and signing of the court refusal form shall be video recorded and a copy of the video shall be placed in the following South Facility share folder: [REDACTED TEXT]
A copy of the court refusal form shall be delivered to the IPA deputy so he can give it to CST personnel picking up the inmates with court appointments. The original court refusal form shall be delivered to PDC South main control [REDACTED TEXT] for filing. South [REDACTED TEXT] shall fax the court refusal form to the IRC sergeant’s office at [REDACTED TEXT]
During the following day shift, South [REDACTED TEXT] shall contact the court requesting the inmate and notify them of the refusal. If the court advises the inmate is required to attend court, extraction procedures shall apply. See Custody Division Manual (CDM) 7-01/050.00, “Inmate Extractions” through 7-02/000.00, “Planned Use of Force for Inmates with Special Needs.”
Revision Date 04/11/23
Revision Date 07/31/19
12/18/96 SOUF