Effective Date: 10-20-94
Revision Date: 04-18-19
Review Date: 04-18-21
Reference: CDM 4-05.000, 5-03.050, and 7-02/020.00; PDC South Unit Order
3-05-100, 6-03-040, and 6-03-050
The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for securing and operating an efficient pill call, sick call, and doctor’s line at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and working at PDC South Facility.
Pill call for inmates going to court and assigned to a work detail will begin at approximately 0330 hours. This will allow for prescribed medication to be dispensed prior to the inmates leaving the facility.
Once morning count clears, at approximately 0730 hours, day shift pill call will begin. Inmates in the upper compounds (Adam, Boy, and Eddie) will receive their medication from medical staff in the PDC South Facility clinic. Inmates in the lower compounds (Henry, King, and Mary) will receive their medication from medical staff in the clinic annex trailer located in Eddie compound. Security for the clinic annex trailer in Eddie compound shall be provided by the deputy assigned as Eddie compound rover.
Pill call scheduled at 1200, 1500 (after count clears), and 1900 hours will be conducted at, or as close as possible to, the scheduled time.
In the afternoon, pill call for all PDC South Facility compounds will be conducted at the PDC South Facility clinic pill call window. The clinic movement deputy/officer will supervise and coordinate pill call with medical staff. This includes the monitoring of inmates brought into the administrative building hallway pursuant to PDC South Facility unit order 3-05-100, “Main Control and Admin Hallway Security.”
Deputy personnel shall provide security for medical personnel by standing in close proximity to nursing staff for the duration of pill call. It is the responsibility of medical services personnel to ensure each inmate has placed the provided medication in their mouth. However, custody personnel shall assist medical personnel by making a reasonable effort to ensure the inmate ingests the medication. In the event the inmate becomes insubordinate and refuses to allow the medical or custody personnel to confirm the consumption of medication, custody personnel shall follow the notification procedures as outlined in the Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 7-02/020.00, “Handling Insubordinate, Recalcitrant, Hostile, or Aggressive Inmates.”
For a detailed list of responsibilities for the clinic security personnel see PDC South Facility unit orders 6-03-040, “Clinic Deputy”, 6-03-050, “Clinic Movement Deputy/Officer”, and CDM 5-03/050.00 “Access to Health Care.”
Inmates taking self-medications will remain in general population and should not be housed in any pill call assigned barracks. Inmates on self-medication will have their prescriptions renewed and checked by medical staff for compliance following AM shift's initial count. The medical staff will advise the clinic deputy which inmates need to be seen.
All inmates shall have access to immediate medical attention for emergent, life threatening situations and/or potentially infectious conditions (e.g., Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus [MRSA]). For all other medical situations, inmates shall be allowed to sign up for “sick call/nurse clinic” (the terms “sick call” and “nurse clinic” are synonymous) on a daily basis, Monday through Friday.
The following procedures shall be followed when allowing inmates to sign up for and be seen at sick call:
Doctor's line will occur Monday through Friday. Inmates may request to see a doctor while at sick call. If medical staff determines that the inmate requires a doctor's attention, the inmate will be informed of their appointment and instructed to return to their barrack. A doctor’s line list will be given to the clinic movement deputy/officer, who shall then inform all compound officers to have inmates with appointments, report to the clinic. The doctor’s line will be supervised by the clinic deputy to ensure all inmates report as scheduled.
Dental line will occur Monday through Friday and inmates will follow the same procedures described for doctor’s line to arrange for dental appointments.
All inmates who require psychiatric care will be processed per CDM Section 4-05/000.00, “Behavioral Observation and Mental Health Referral Reports.”
Any immediate and/or concerning, psychiatric issues shall be addressed by documenting the concerning behavior on a Behavioral Observation and Mental Health Referral (BOMHR) form, and escorting the inmate to the clinic for evaluation. An immediate notification to the watch sergeant shall be required for any inmate who requires a BOHMR and evaluation.
Revision Date 04/18/19
Revision Date 09/19/18
Revision Date 05/17/18
10/20/94 SOUF