5-01-075 Inmate Worker Check-in/out

5-01-075 Inmate Worker Check-in/out

Effective Date:  04-07-21

Reviewed Date:  07-01-21


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for checking inmate workers in and out of Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility while they are assigned to a work crew.



This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and working at PDC South Facility.



In order to maintain facility security and assist the PDC South Facility main control desk (David) personnel verify daily inmate counts, [REDACTED TEXT] The assigned work crew supervisors shall do the following:

  • [REDACTED TEXT] (volunteer inmate workers who are not approved by classifications personnel shall not be allowed to work)
  • Coordinate with compound personnel to ensure the correct number of inmate workers leaving each barrack are documented in the Uniform Daily Activity Log (UDAL) for that barrack

Individual inmate worker names do not need to be written in the UDAL since they are already included on a list. A numeric tally shall be kept of inmates leaving each barrack for work in the corresponding UDAL. Compound personnel shall ensure accurate count of inmates at all times by documenting any changes on the list of inmates coming in and out of the compound.


04/07/21 SOUF