Effective Date: 01-07-17
Revision Date: 01-10-19
Review Date: 01-10-21
Reference: CDM 5-08/030.00, CDM 5-10/010.00
The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the use and maintenance of the MobileTrace Ion Spectrometry System.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and working at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility and the Elmer T. Jaffe Visiting Center (PDC Main Visiting).
The purpose of the MobileTrace Ion Spectrometry System is to assist in curtailing the supply of contraband, specifically narcotics, from entering the Los Angeles County Jail System. The MobileTrace device provides a minimally intrusive screening system designed to simultaneously test for a wide range of narcotics. The device is portable and capable of detecting microscopic particles of narcotics, utilizing Teflon-coated traps for vapor sampling.
NOTE: A positive hit from the device does not indicate presence of the substance, but merely that the object or person being screened has come in to contact with the substance.
The MobileTrace device provides an easy to use, efficient, and safe platform for screening of inmates, visitors, property, vehicles, mail, and packages for the presence of illegal substances. MobileTrace screenings may be conducted on all inmates, to include court returnees and inmate workers. Screenings may also be conducted on all visitors, including those in inmate visiting areas, attorneys, chaplains, and volunteers.
MobileTrace operators shall be trained by certified personnel on the operation and care of the MobileTrace device, and how to properly collect samples from the individuals or items being screened.
It shall be the responsibility of the operator to ensure the device is properly calibrated prior to use.
In order to avoid buildup of dust and other contaminants in the narcotic sensor, the device shall remain powered on at all times. If the device is to be transported or used in the field, it should be allowed to run under battery power or by utilizing the vehicle adapter. Only trained personnel shall operate the MobileTrace device.
The MobileTrace device shall be kept in the PDC South inmate processing area (IPA), located in Barrack 40, in the X-ray sergeant’s office.
The MobileTrace device utilizes three different Teflon cards called “traps.” Operators shall wear cotton gloves or powder-free latex gloves while handling traps. The traps have a tapered end, which is the sampling end, and a broader “T” shape end, to be used as the handle. The traps to be used are described below:
All traps shall be stored and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Screening of inmates at PDC South Facility shall be conducted in the screening area of the IPA located in Barrack 40. Personnel trained in the use of the MobileTrace device shall randomly select inmates who are new to the facility or currently residing in the facility.
Inmates who are to be screened shall be escorted into the IPA screening area. The amount of inmates in Barrack 40 for screening shall be determined by the sergeant or supervisor. The inmates will stand quietly and face the wall with their hands interlaced behind their back.
In the presence of a supervisor, a trained operator will handle the traps and collect a sample, while the X-ray team and IPA personnel provide security. After collecting a sample, the trained operator shall test the sample in the MobileTrace device located in the X-ray sergeant’s office.
If the sample tests positive for narcotics, deputy personnel shall isolate the inmate and conduct a criminal investigation.
NOTE: The MobileTrace device is a tool used to gain reasonable suspicion and it is incumbent upon deputy personnel to conduct a proper criminal investigation.
Visitors and their property shall be searched for contraband prior to entering public visiting areas. Vehicles entering or parked in a custody facility parking lot may be searched for contraband. Adequate signs shall be installed to give visitors notice that their person and their vehicles are subject to search at any time while within the boundary of a custody facility (CDM 5-10/010.00).
Deputy personnel may randomly screen visitors entering the facility using the MobileTrace device. A MobileTrace device shall be kept in the PDC Main Visiting sergeant’s office. When screening visitors, deputy personnel shall coordinate with a supervisor. Only trained personnel shall operate the MobileTrace device.
In the presence of a supervisor, a trained operator will handle the traps and collect a sample. After collecting a sample the trained operator shall test the sample in the MobileTrace device located in the PDC Main Visiting sergeant’s office.
If the sample tests positive for narcotics, deputy personnel shall conduct a more thorough search of the visitor and the visitor’s vehicle.
Each MobileTrace device’s storage location shall contain a MobileTrace maintenance log book and manual. IPA or X-ray security personnel who have been trained to use the device shall conduct the following maintenance:
Shift maintenance must be performed a minimum of once per day. The operator shall date and initial the log when the action is performed and then copy and save all printouts.
The operator shall ensure shift maintenance has been performed before weekly maintenance. The fifth week column on the log will be used for a 5-week month. The operator shall date and initial the log when the action is performed and then copy and save all printouts.
The operator shall ensure weekly maintenance has been performed before monthly maintenance. The operator shall date and initial the log when the action is performed and then copy and save all printouts.
Bi-annual Maintenance Schedule:
The operator shall date and initial the log when the action is performed and then copy and save all printouts.
The operator shall refer to the MobileTrace user manual to ensure adequate maintenance is performed.
All specialized or proprietary supplies shall be acquired from the County authorized vendor listed below:
US Testing Equipment, Ltd.
7201 NE 18th St, Suite A
Vancouver, WA 98661
Office phone: 360-735-7685
Requests for service shall be made to Morpho Detection, LLC, at (877) 877-1008.
Revision Date 01/10/19
01/07/17 SOUF