Effective Date: 07-10-15
Revision Date: 08-04-15
Review Date: 08-04-17
Purpose Of Order:
The purpose of this order is to establish standard procedures regarding the overseeing of the vocational security, inmate dining area.
Scope Of Order:
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to or working at South Facility, Ranch Field Operation.
Due to the increase of vocational inmate workers being temporarily housed while being fed at the vocational inmate dining area (150 to 200 Inmates) the following procedures shall be implemented.
The assigned security personnel for the inmate meal will be the rank of deputy.
That deputy will be armed with a Mark 9 OC canister and at least two sting ball grenades. The sting ball grenades and Mark 9 OC canisters shall be secured within the vocational area security booth. Any use of special weapons shall be guided by Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 3-03/010.00 Deployment of Special Weapons.
During inmate meals a video camera shall be focused on the inmate dining area. If no incident occurs, the camera shall be erased and used for the following meal.