5-01-040 Inmate Meals

5-01-040 Inmate Meals

Effective Date: 05-24-95

Revision Date: 01-03-19

Review Date: 01-03-21


Purpose Of Order:

The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for providing inmate meals. This order meets current Title 15 requirements.


Scope Of Order: 

This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and working at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.



Section 1240 of California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 15, states that three (3) meals must be provided in any 24-hour period. At least one of these meals must include hot food. If more than 14 hours passes between these meals, supplemental food must be served. A minimum of 15 minutes shall be allowed for the consumption of each meal, except for those inmates on medical diets where the responsible physician has prescribed additional time.

Meals at PDC South Facility are scheduled to begin at 0700 hours for breakfast, 1100 hours for lunch, and 1630 hours for dinner. Dinner will typically consist of a hot meal to satisfy Title 15 requirements. Inmates will be served the evening meal in the Inmate Dining Room (IDR). Breakfast and lunch will typically consist of cold meals and will be served inside the barracks.

Breakfast and lunch will typically consist of prepackaged meals. These prepackaged meals shall be delivered and served to each individual barrack on a daily basis. Compound officers shall ensure that all inmates are lined up in count formation prior to serving the meal, fully dressed, with their shirts tucked in. A prepackaged meal shall be given to each inmate as they pass in a single file line back into their barrack. These meals are to be consumed inside the barrack. Hoarding of food is not be permitted.

The IDR kitchen security deputy shall be responsible for organizing and assembling the assigned staff by making an announcement over their Department issued radio. They shall ensure all assigned personnel are at their assigned posts prior to any inmates entering the IDR.

All personnel shall be at their assigned posts during the evening meal. Employee meals and breaks shall be delayed until the inmate evening meal is complete.

Inmates in each barrack shall be escorted to the IDR as a group. Compounds shall be fed one at a time, in a manner which prevents any two compounds from intermingling with one another. Any deviation from this procedure must be approved by the watch commander. During the evening meal, the PDC South Facility clinic deputy shall organize small groups of inmates to attend pill call. This shall be done in a manner to ensure the feeding process is not interrupted.

While walking to and from the IDR, inmates are required to follow the blue lines painted on the facility ground. Inmates shall maintain a single file line, with their hands in their pockets, and fully dressed with their shirts tucked in.

Per Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 5-13/010.00, inmates shall be allowed to engage in conversation with one another as long as it at a low volume and does not interfere with the consumption of their meal.

Inmates shall remain seated at their assigned table until excused by an officer. If an inmate has not yet finished his meal, another eating table shall be made available.

A supplemental meal, whether hot or cold, is available to late arrivals, late court returnees, and any inmate who has not been fed during the previous 14 hours. The Inmate Processing Area (IPA) personnel shall coordinate the serving of these meals in conjunction with the IDR kitchen security deputy.

Any deviation from the above procedure, due to inclement weather or other special circumstances, shall be permitted with watch commander approval.

During the evening meal, under no circumstances, shall the double security doors leading to the dock area be unsecured or opened while inmates are being fed in the IDR.


Revision Date 01/15/19

05/24/95 SOUF