Effective Date: 02-09-92
Revision Date: 12-01-20
Review Date: 12-01-22
Reference: CDM 5-05/030.00
The purpose of this order is to outline procedures for the audit of the Automated Jail Information System (AJIS) inmate inventory, which shall be done once each shift.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and working at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility, primarily but more specifically, personnel working as the watch deputy and desk officer.
An audit of the inmate inventory from AJIS shall be completed in order to ensure an accurate accounting of all inmates, and to verify inmate movement to and from the facility.
The inventory of inmates assigned to South Facility may be confirmed by using the FC01 screen of the AJIS system. A detailed list of inmates assigned to specific barracks and bunks can be checked through the FC05 screen.
Various inmate movements and changes to barrack and facility counts occur during each shift. The watch deputy is responsible for maintaining an accurate computer and paper count of any change in the facility count.
Purges are generated, printed and ready for dissemination at the beginning of each shift. The PM shift watch deputy will shall ensure that a 2200 hour purge is printed for use with the 2200 hour wristband count.
The watch deputy is responsible for assuring ensuring all counts are accurate before initiating the inmate count at the beginning of the shift. EM shift will shall conduct a body count at 2300 and 0300 hours. AM shift will shall conduct a body count at 0700 hours. All compounds shall have purges and record all inmate movements made during the shift. PM shift will shall conduct a body count at 1500 hours and a wristband count at 2200 hours. Wristband count will confirm the proper housing locations of all inmates, barrack counts and facility.
The watch deputy and desk personnel shall be responsible for maintaining a log of all inmate movements to and from the facility, all in-house movements and bunk assignments.
The watch deputy shall ensure all count discrepancies are accurately and immediately reconciled. After all discrepancies have been reconciled, desk personnel shall check the FC01 screen in AJIS and verify that the barrack totals on the screen match the current barrack totals listed on the facility count sheet.
It is the responsibility of the oncoming watch deputy, as part of his desk relief procedures, to verify there is an accurate FC01 count before relieving outgoing desk personnel. This will minimize discrepancies on the inventory reconciliation from one shift to another.
Revision Date 12/01/20
02/09/92 SOUF