3-04-010 Citizens Commission on Jail Violence Sergeant

3-04-010 Citizens Commission on Jail Violence Sergeant

Effective Date: 03-04-15

Revision Date: 06-16-20

Review Date: 06-16-22

Reference: MPP 2-02/080.00, Unit Order 5-06-050



This order establishes policy and guidelines The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for Citizens Commission on Jail Violence (CCJV) Sergeant Duties for Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.



This order applies to any and all sergeants assigned to CCJV under collateral duties. CCJV sergeants are chosen at the unit commander’s discretion.



In addition to the responsibilities outlined in MPP 2-02/080.00 “Sergeants,” PDC South Facility CCJV sergeants will shall serve as first-line supervisors with the primary responsibility for ensuring Inmate Title 15 Compliance with the professional and ethical standards of the Department by all subordinate deputy sheriffs and civilian employees. CCJV sergeants shall strive to be positive role models and to provide leadership and training. CCJV sergeants shall ensure Inmate Title 15 compliance, while solving problems associated with all inmate programs in place at PDC South Facility.

The duties of this classification CCJV sergeants include the following:

Day Shift CCJV Sergeant

  • Ensure all Title 15 requirements are met for the shift
  • Prepare and maintain all Title 15 schedules and ensure the schedule is being followed by line personnel
  • Supervise all activities in the Inmate Welfare Office during the shift
  • Monitor and maintain the Inmate Reports Tracking System (IRTS) and Disciplinary Review Board (DRB)
  • Attend monthly meeting with the IRTS/DRB Lieutenant to ensure the system is updated and discuss concerns and trends
  • Supervise and oversee daily activities of the Back on Track (BOT) program
  • Conduct Town Hall Meetings
  • Act as a programming liaison and attend all meetings required for all of the above programs
  • Handle inmate and American Civil Liberties Unit (ACLU) complaints requiring a supervisor follow-up
  • Supervise and monitor the activities in the Inmate Processing Area (IPA)
  • Observe the Title 15 safety checks in two (2) random barracks
    • Accompany compound personnel to each barrack
    • Observe the safety checks to ensure proper performance
    • Sign and indicate the time of observation in the “T-15 Sgt Review/AM” section, on page 2 of the Uniform Daily Activity Log (UDAL)

PM Shift CCJV Sergeant

  • Ensure all Title 15 requirements are met for the shift
  • Supervise all activities in the Inmate Welfare Office during the shift
  • Monitor and maintain Custody Automated Report Tracking System (CARTS)
  • Attend monthly meetings with the Compliance/Risk Management Lieutenant to discuss challenges and goals
  • Conduct all duties regarding the Continuous Improvement Team
  • Handle inmate and ACLU complaints requiring a supervisor follow-up
  • Conduct Town Hall Meetings
  • Supervise and monitor the activities in the Inmate Processing Area (IPA)
  • Observe the Title 15 safety checks in two (2) random barracks
    • Accompany compound personnel to each barrack
    • Observe the safety checks to ensure proper performance
    • Sign and indicate the time of observation in the “T-15 Sgt Review/PM” section, on page 2 of the UDAL
    • The safety check observations and the “T-15 Sgt Review/EM” section, on page 2 of the UDAL shall be completed by the EM shift watch sergeant
  • Make face-to-face relief with main visiting sergeant and assume command of the main visiting center [REDACTED TEXT]
    • Ensure main visiting center is locked and secured
    • Ensure patrol unit personnel monitor and open/close the gate for visitors with objects that will not fit through the turnstile exit (e.g., wheelchairs, strollers, service animals, etc.)
    • Along with the PDC roving patrol (Adam) unit (i.e., PM shift Adam 7), verify no visitors remain at any PDC facility and all visitors have exited PDC property
    • Ensure main visiting exit gates are locked and secured after all visitors have left PDC property
    • Notify the PDC South Facility watch commander that the main visiting center is closed and secured
    • See South Facility unit order 5-06-050 “Elmer T. Jaffe Visiting Center Procedures”

Relief CCJV Sergeant

  • Ensure all Title 15 requirements are met for the shift
  • Supervise all activities in the Inmate Welfare Office during the shift
  • Handle inmate and ACLU complaints requiring a supervisor follow-up
  • Supervise and monitor the activities in the Inmate Processing Area (IPA)
  • Conduct Town Hall Meetings
  • Conduct routine audits of all Uniform Daily Activity Log (UDAL) to ensure all Title 15 requirements are properly documented
  • Conduct appropriate UDAL training
  • Act as a liaison for Religious and Volunteer Services
  • Prepare monthly yard activity report for Custody Support Services
  • Prepare monthly Title 15 Impact Report

In addition to the above, [REDACTED TEXT] the CCJV sergeant from each shift shall randomly select a barrack and audit one (1) Title 15 activity (e.g., outdoor recreation, linen exchange, library, etc.) from the corresponding shift on the previous day.


The CCJV sergeant performing the audit shall note the time the Title 15 activity was written in the UDAL and review the CCTV camera footage to ensure the activity was performed according to the documentation.

All audits shall be tracked on the PDC South Facility Title 15 Audit Logs located in the following South Facility shared file folder: [REDACTED TEXT]

All barracks shall be audited in at least one (1) category, at least once per quarter.


Revision Date 06/16/20

Revision Date 10/18/19

03/04/15 SOUF