Effective Date: 06-09-20
Revision Date:
Review Date: 06-09-22
Reference: CDM 3-14/040.00
The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for handling Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and/or working at PDC South Facility.
Identification and Transport
Any inmate housed at PDC South Facility displaying symptoms of COVID-19 (i.e., temperature over 100.4 degrees, coughing, or difficulty breathing) shall immediately be evaluated in their barrack by PDC South Correctional Health Services (CHS) personnel and deemed a “Person Under Investigation” (PUI). A PHR 200 “Medical Report” shall be filled out and faxed to PMB Central Housing Unit (CHU) – North. The PUI inmate shall then be transported to, and rehoused at Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF) by deputy personnel. Transporting deputies shall don appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) which may include a disposable gown/suit, N-95 mask, disposable gloves, and safety goggles.
The PUI inmate being transported shall wear a surgical mask or other designated PPE and wash their hands prior to being handcuffed and transported.
Following a PUI inmate drop off at TTCF, the hand cuffs and patrol vehicle used to transport the inmate shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
Quarantine Barracks
The transported PUI inmate’s previous housing locations shall be placed on restricted movement by the shift watch commander, or quarantined by the chief physician, pending the outcome of a COVID-19 test. The Custody Emergency Operations Center (CEOC) shall notify PDC South Facility of the outcome of the COVID-19 test and advise if the barrack under restricted movement/quarantine may be cleared from restricted movement/quarantine.
All quarantined barracks shall be listed, and tracked, in the watch deputy’s daily log. PDC South clinic personnel shall also track the quarantined barracks. The list of quarantined barracks shall be posted at all entry/exit areas at PDC South, at the sign-in desk, at the key check-in/out window, and on the PDC South in-service. The affected barrack doors shall also be labeled with a “Quarantine” magnetic sign.
When an inmate is released from a quarantined barrack, the inmate shall remain in their barrack until the Court Services Transport (CST) bus arrives. CST has a bus specifically assigned for transporting quarantined inmates. When the COVID-19 bus arrives, the inmate shall be escorted wearing gloves and a face mask.
The watch sergeant shall send daily notifications to the CEOC via email regarding the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 (employees and inmates) and the updated list of quarantined barracks.
PDC South training personnel shall coordinate with warehouse and laundry facility personnel to maintain and track the PPE inventory for PDC South facility and the PDC ranch. PDC South training personnel shall email a daily PPE inventory report to the PDC South operations lieutenant who shall then forward the daily report to the CEOC.
All entry/exit areas at PDC South shall have a sign posted which instructs personnel to wear masks at all times inside the facility. During each shift, a notification shall be made, via the watch deputy radio, for personnel to wear a mask inside the facility, practice proper hand washing, and social distancing. The notification shall be tracked in the watch deputy’s daily desk log.
The following videos shall be played for inmates at least once per day:
The utility/Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) cleanup officer shall be responsible for the daily cleaning/disinfecting of all officer stations, offices, restrooms, and classrooms on all three shifts.
On PM shift, there shall be an outside COVID-19 cleaning/disinfecting crew assigned. The outside COVID-19 cleaning crew shall use vehicle #SD32959. The key to the vehicle shall be available at the PDC South in/out shack. The cleaning supplies shall be kept in the room marked “Field Supply Room” in Bachelor Officer’s Quarters (BOQ) building #4. The COVID-19 cleaning crew shall clean the following areas, to include restrooms, doorknobs, etc., using a cloth sprayed with Turbo Kill:
All inmates shall be given face masks and access to cleaning/disinfecting supplies. All cleaning/disinfecting supplies shall be locked in the barrack cleaning supply closet when not in use.
06/09/20 SOUF