Effective Date: 10-01-07
Revision Date: 10-26-16
Review Date: 10-26-18
Reference: CDM 3-15/010.00
This order establishes policy and procedure for the storage of flammable materials.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.
Flammable materials include paint, thinner, wood stains, fuels and corrosive liquids. It is imperative that any materials with the potential to ignite due to combustion be stored in a properly ventilated area. The outside maintenance storage area [REDACTED TEXT] and the utility storage area [REDACTED TEXT] have been designated as the flammable material storage areas for those supplies used by compound personnel.
Personnel who discover any flammable liquids improperly stored shall notify either the Field or Compound Sergeant (depending on the location of discovery), who will respond and ensure the substance is moved to the designated storage area.
The Field Sergeant is responsible for the storage of materials used on the PDC property (outside of the South Compound) including [REDACTED TEXT]