3-03-080 Pitchess Detention Center Digging and Excavation Procedures

3-03-080 Pitchess Detention Center Digging and Excavation Procedures

Effective Date: 04-05-13

Reference:  FSB Unit order 2010-01LASD Digging and Excavation Procedure: ACL/OSHA Standard California Code of Regulations, Title 8 Sections 1540 & 1541



The purpose of this unit order is to establish procedures to ensure that proper safety measures are utilized when digging and excavation work are performed on Pitchess Detention Center property.



This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to PDC South Facility.



The PDC South Facility digging and excavation procedure shall be followed for all digging and excavation work. The purpose of the procedure is to ensure that Dig-Alert, utility companies, and FSB management are fully aware of the intent to dig or excavate. The procedure requires that specific measures are taken to protect the health and safety of employees and inmate workers.


This procedure applies to all persons performing any digging and/or excavation on Pitchess Detention Center property.

Any persons desiring to dig on Pitchess Detention Center property more than fourteen (14) inches in depth by hand, or any depth utilizing power equipment must complete a “Pitchess Detention Center Digging and Excavation Request” form. It shall be submitted to their appropriate supervisor at least three (3) working days in advance, to provide for proper investigation and clearing. Under emergency conditions, the three-day and depth requirement can be waived by watch commander with concurrence from FSB.

When digging by hand, a cautious exploratory process shall be utilized regardless of depth. DIGALERT must be called at: (800) 227-2600 or 811 at least three (3) working days and no more than fourteen (14) calendar days in advance of the digging or excavation. FSB and all applicable utility companies shall also be notified.