Effective Date: 10-07-07
Revision Date: 11-26-16
Review Date: 11-26-18
Reference: MPP 5-06/090.00 & 090.05; Medical Waste Management Act, Section 118280; Title 8, California Code of Regulations, Section 5193
To establish guidelines for disposal of Bio-Hazardous waste for Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.
This procedure applies to all personnel (sworn, civilian and medical) who are involved with the handling of Bio-Hazardous waste.
The following procedure shall be strictly adhered to at all times while on PDC South Facility property.
PDC South Facility Ranch Operations Custody Assistant will transport each facility’s Medial Services Bio-Hazardous Waste Collection Container to the PDC Hazardous Waste Accumulation Storage Site.
Medical Services Bureau (MSB) personnel at PDC South Facility, shall ensure that on Tuesday of each week the Bio-Hazardous Waste Collection Container is at the designated collections point at the specified time.
MSB management will be responsible for maintaining a suitable contract with a state approved and licensed contractor for transporting and disposing of the
Bio-Hazardous waste from PDC. Additionally, MSB is responsible for providing equipment and supplies, as well as employee training, in order to perform this assignment safely.
All Bio-Hazardous waste, collected from Bio-Hazardous waste receptacles shall be tightly sealed in a leak proof Bio-Hazardous plastic bag and discarded in the
Bio-Hazardous Waste Collection Container. Any plastic waste bag found to be damaged or leaking, upon removal from the waste receptacle, shall be tightly sealed by the MSB Staff.
The damaged bag shall then be placed into another leak proof Bio-Hazardous waste bag prior to placing it into the facility's Bio-Hazardous Waste Collection Container (refer to cleaning).
The Sharps needle container shall not be placed in the same Bio-Hazardous plastic bag with the discarded Bio-Hazardous waste, however the Sharps containers shall be placed in the Bio-Hazardous Waste Collection Container for transportation to disposal site.
"Sharps Container" means a rigid puncture-resistant container that, when sealed, is leak resistant and cannot be reopened without great difficulty per California Health and Safety Code section 117747.
The Bio-Hazardous Waste Collection Container will be transported to the PDC Bio-Hazardous Waste Accumulation Site on Tuesday of each week, between 0900 hours and 1400 hours.
MSB Bio-Hazardous Waste Collection Container(s) will be transported to the Waste Accumulation Site in a Sheriff's black and white pick-up truck. The bed of this vehicle will be suitably equipped to secure the Bio-Hazardous Waste Collection Container(s) placed within it. Vehicles other than an appropriately equipped County vehicle shall not be used.
The Bio-Hazardous Waste Collection Containers that can be transported in the vehicle are limited to the amount of space. The specified vehicle used shall carry these containers "undeformed and secured in an upright position." An additional transportation run will be made for containers which cannot fit into the initial load.
The Bio-Hazardous Waste Collection Containers shall be immediately taken to the PDC Bio-Hazardous Waste Accumulation Site after they have been loaded from the various staging areas.
The driver will drive directly to the [REDACTED TEXT], obtain the key for the Waste Accumulation Site, lock and dump each of the Bio-Hazardous Waste Collection Containers into the accumulation receptacle. It is unnecessary to touch or lift out the individual red bags to remove them from each collection container. The empty
Bio-Hazardous Waste Containers will then be returned to [REDACTED TEXT].
Disposable gloves - Disposable medical gloves will be provided and utilized by all employees when handling Bio-Hazardous s waste. The gloves provide protection against direct skin contact with the Bio-Hazardous materials. The gloves may be discarded as normal refuse unless soiled by Bio-Hazardous waste material. The gloves shall not be washed and reused.
Disposable aprons - Disposable aprons are intended to keep outer garments from contamination. Since the exterior surface of the Bio-Hazardous Waste Collection Containers are not contaminated with Bio-Hazardous waste materials, it is unlikely that an employee handling them would have his or her outer garments contaminated with Bio-Hazardous materials. The aprons will be made available to those who desire to utilize them. The aprons shall be discarded as normal refuse after use, unless it has come into direct contact with Bio-Hazardous waste materials.
If the personal protective equipment (gloves/aprons) should come in contact with
Bio-Hazardous waste materials and become contaminated, these items shall be handled in accordance with the packaging guidelines as set forth in the previous paragraph(s).
Should any of the handling and/or transporting equipment become contaminated, cleaning shall be accomplished in accordance with the cleaning section of this policy and procedure.
MSB Bio-Hazardous Waste Collection Container - An industrial strength container constructed of a hard thermoplastic (polyethylene or equivalent material). The container will be red in color, durable, dent resistant, equipped with reinforced grip handles, a tight seal lid, and seamless in design. The container and lid must be suitably marked with the words "BIO-HAZARD," and the international
Bio-Hazard symbol shall be affixed and visible from any lateral direction. Additionally, the container and lid must be able to withstand steam cleaning and other sanitizing procedures. The size of this container shall be limited to a maximum size of 35 gallons.
PDC Bio-Hazardous Waste Accumulation Site - The Waste Accumulation Site is secured and delineated area, located [REDACTED TEXT]. At the site is the receptacle for collecting the contents of the Bio-Hazardous Waste Collection Container. The [REDACTED TEXT] controls the access to the enclosure.
Bio-Hazardous Plastic Waste Bags - The plastic bags (or liners) shall be the appropriate size and shape for use in the designated containers. The bag will be red in color, labeled with the international ‘Bio-Hazard’ symbol and have warnings in English and Spanish. The bags will meet the American Society for testing & materials (ASTM) 165-gram dart test and Elmedorf tear test.
Medical Clinic Bio-Hazardous Receptacles - Rigid containers with tight fitting lids are lined with a plastic Bio-Hazardous waste bag. The receptacle is to be clearly marked with the international "BIO-HAZARDOUS" waste symbol so as to be visible from any lateral direction.
Transportation Vehicle - A County vehicle used to transport Bio-Hazardous waste containers. A Sheriff's black and white pick-up truck which is equipped to secure the Bio-Hazardous waste collection Containers upright within it's cargo area.
Employees performing this procedure will be provided training. The training will include:
1. Overview of the program and work practice controls.
2. Use of personal protection equipment and limitations.
3. Exposure control procedure to minimize exposure
4. Concept of Universal Precaution
5. Hands-on training for use of equipment
Sanitizing, disinfecting, or sterilization shall consist of an alcohol wash or an equivalent alcohol base chemical, such as isopropyl alcohol, etc.