Effective Date: 01-05-95
Revision Date: 02-24-17
Review Date: 02-24-19
Reference: CDM 5-11/050.00
The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for facility cleanliness and trash pickup on a routine basis.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and working at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility, specifically personnel assigned as facility security, utility cleanup, the kitchen and work crew deputies/custody assistants, and motor pool truck drivers.
Trash collected at PDC South Facility is broken down into the following four areas:
The officers assigned to each compound are responsible for ensuring that the barrack inmate workers have collected all trash from inside and outside of the barracks. The trash shall be placed into a large plastic trash bag and set on the barrack porch for pickup prior to each morning’s inmate count.
After the morning count, utility work crew inmates will collect the trash from the porch of each barrack. The collected trash shall be left inside a utility cart, taken to the kitchen dock, and placed inside the dock trash compactor.
As duties allow, the Inmate Processing Area (IPA) and methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) work crew officers will utilize work crew inmates for taking trash to the kitchen dock area and placing it into the trash compactor. This will supplement the responsibilities of the utility and kitchen cleanup crews.
The building maintenance crew is responsible for cleaning up and removing the trash from the administration area offices.
The trash and garbage generated in the PDC South Facility kitchen is collected by the PM shift kitchen inmate workers throughout their respective shift, and shall be taken to the north side of the kitchen. It is the responsibility of the kitchen officer to have the trash placed into the trash compactor during their shift.
The AM and PM shift MRSA work crews are responsible for trash pickup in the watch commander/watch sergeant office, main control, medical and dental work areas, the Title 15 office and the briefing room.
The PDC South Facility motor pool is responsible for picking up trash and garbage compacted at the PDC South Facility trash collection area.
Revision Date 01/09/19
Revision Date 02/24/17
01/05/95 SOUF