Effective Date: 05-14-20
Revision Date:
Review Date: 05-14-22
Reference: COD 20-006; Unit Order 5-01-060; CDM 5-03/050.00, 7-02/020.00
The purpose of this order is to establish requirements for the use of face masks by inmates at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility during the COVID-19 response.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and/or working at PDC South Facility.
The Department sent out Custody Operations Directive (COD) 20-006 to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 within the jails. Per COD 20-006, custody personnel shall ensure inmates wear jail-issued face masks when outside of their housing areas (e.g., during escorts, clinic passes, urgent care, court line, housing movement, etc.). When inmates are in common areas (i.e., dayrooms), they should be encouraged to wear masks and socially distance.
If an inmate refuses to wear a face mask in applicable situations, custody personnel shall contact a line supervisor, and follow recalcitrant inmate procedures delineated in PDC South Facility Unit Order 5-01-060, “Handling of Recalcitrant Inmates” and Custody Division Manual (CDM) Section 7-02/020.00, “Handling Insubordinate, Recalcitrant, Hostile, or Aggressive Inmates.”
A supervisor shall respond to the location and discuss the associated risks and encourage the inmate to wear their mask. If the inmate continues to refuse to wear a face mask, they shall be ordered to return to their housing location.
If an inmate refuses to wear a mask in order to be escorted to a medical treatment area, custody personnel shall follow the medical refusal procedures delineated in CDM Section 5-03/050.00, “Access to Health Care.”
All refusals shall be documented in the Uniform Daily Activity Log (UDAL).
In the event of a medical emergency, medical exigency shall supersede the face mask requirement.
Each day, PDC South Facility main control personnel shall play the “Face Mask Care & Instruction for inmates” video which advises inmates on how to properly wear face masks. Main control personnel shall also broadcast daily PA announcements advising inmates to wear their face masks in public areas, and practice proper social distancing. The daily PA announcements and playing of the video shall be documented in the daily desk log by the watch deputy.
It is the responsibility of line supervisors to monitor the areas under their supervision and continuously advise employees on these procedures in order to ensure compliance with this directive.
05/14/20 SOUF