3-02-160 Trailer and Motorhome parking at the PDC Equestrian Center
Effective Date: 02-16-17
Revision Date: 08-20-19
Review Date: 08-20-21
Reference: MPP 3-01/090.25
The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the use and administration of the Jack Bones Equestrian Center at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC), specifically for the purposes of incorporating recreational vehicle (RV) trailers and motorhomes into the PDC Barrack Officer Quarters (BOQ) program.
This order applies to all PDC facilities/units and personnel wishing to participate in the PDC BOQ program.
In order to accommodate the large number of commuting personnel, the following procedures are in effect allowing personnel to park, and use their personal RVs at the Equestrian Center:
- All personnel must be Sheriff’s Department employees.
- All personnel must be assigned to a PDC facility/unit, and maintain a residence outside the Santa Clarita Valley area.
- All personnel must work several double shifts during the month which would necessitate the use of an RV to prevent sleep deprivation caused by commute times to and from work. The determination to authorize the use of an RV in the Equestrian Center shall be based on distance of commute, time between shifts, and frequency of overtime. Frequent shifts requiring extended hours and or compressed schedules (double-single-double) may also qualify. Each request for approval shall be evaluated individually, which may include a review of present and future work schedules.
Note: Exceptions to the above conditions may be made on the basis of personal hardship, with unit commander approval. Work schedule eligibility, and RV usage, shall be verified by the PDC ranch operations sergeant periodically. Authorization to park in the Equestrian Center may be temporarily or permanently revoked at any time for non-compliance.
- Prior to parking at the Equestrian Center, all personnel shall submit an application, and obtain a parking spot number through the PDC ranch office.
- Personnel using an Equestrian Center parking spot with an available electrical “hook-up” shall also submit a completed PDC RV long term housing contract. This contract requires personnel using these designated electrical hookups to consent to a payroll deduction fee of $20 per month, for the use of the electrical hookup. This fee is directly deposited into the County general fund.
Note: The PDC co-generation electrical plant, which supplies electricity to all PDC facilities including the Equestrian Center, produces a set amount of electricity. The Equestrian Center, as a whole, draws an insignificant amount of power which does not affect other facilities, or the overall operation of the PDC electrical grid.
- Once personnel have been approved to use an Equestrian Center RV parking spot, they shall be issued an Equestrian Center RV pass. This pass shall be displayed in a window, or other visible location within their RV. This pass will designate if it allows parking with “hook-ups” (green) or without “hook-ups” (blue).
- All personnel using an Equestrian Center parking spot shall agree to vacate the equestrian area for any preplanned event. Notifications will be given via email from the PDC ranch office prior to these events.
- No personnel may permanently reside at the Equestrian Center.
- No personnel may store any RVs on PDC property or at the Equestrian Center.
- Failure to comply with these rules may result in the revocation of privileges to use the Equestrian Center.
Once every month, the Ranch operations sergeant shall conduct an audit of the RV Equestrian Center program to ensure compliance with the above referenced guidelines.
Revision Date 08/20/19
Revision Date 07/19/18
02/16/17 SOUF