Effective Date: 05-15-07
Revision Date: 04-23-15
Review Date: 04-23-17
Reference: MPP 3-01/050.10
To establish procedures when temporarily leaving security while on-duty at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC), South Facility.
This order shall apply to all custody personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity under South Facility’s command.
All personnel shall sign the Out of Security Log, when temporarily leaving or returning to the secured area of the facility (unless required as part of assigned duties). This log is to account for the availability and welfare of all on-duty personnel in the event of an emergency, such as an earthquake or other incident requiring the immediate deployment of personnel. South Facility personnel who work an eight (8) hour shift are not required to be given a meal or exercise break. However, a forty minute break is generally allowed, subject to the needs of the facility. All on-duty personnel are subject to immediate recall to duty at the direction of the Watch Commander.
When an employee leaves his/her post during his/her shift to leave the secure area of the facility [REDACTED TEXT], they shall appropriately fill out the Out of Security Log located in the watch sergeant’s office. Employees temporarily leaving the facility for any reason shall notify their immediate supervisor and obtain authorization prior to leaving the facility, refer to South Facility unit order
3-02-090, "Off Facility Errands." Upon returning to the secured area, the employee shall indicate the time of return.
The Watch Sergeant will be responsible for maintaining the posted log. A new log shall be posted each calendar day. The watch sergeant on the early morning shift shall be responsible for ensuring the previous day’s log is filed and a new log is prepared. The log shall be filed and stored in the watch sergeant’s office and retained for one year.
Revision Date 04/23/15
05/15/07 SOUF