3-02-070 Drug and Alcohol Testing for Commercial Drivers

3-02-070 Drug and Alcohol Testing for Commercial Drivers

Effective Date: 12-04-97

Revision Date: 04-22-19

Review Date: 04-22-21

Reference: The Department of Transportation’s (DOT) rule, 49 CFR Part 40



The purpose of this order is to establish procedures regarding compliance with the Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) rules on drug and alcohol testing for commercial drivers.



This order applies to all members assigned to, and working at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility who are required to have a California Class A commercial driver license when performing their duties.



Department policy mandates that each employee, within the scope of this order, receive a copy of the County DOT policy, and DOT alcohol and drug handbook, before any alcohol and controlled substance testing takes place. Each covered employee shall be required to sign a statement certifying receipt of the County DOT policy and the DOT handbook. The PDC ranch field lieutenant shall be responsible for providing the handbook and policy.

This order will address random testing, and post-accident testing. Reasonable suspicion testing will continue to be conducted according to existing Department guidelines.


Post-accident testing shall be conducted after accidents involving drivers whose performance could have contributed to the accident (as determined by the issuance of a traffic citation for a moving violation) and for all accidents involving a fatality, even if the driver is not cited for a moving violation. Post-accident testing shall be administered to the Department driver as soon as practical under the above conditions. The PDC ranch field sergeant will handle the incident on regular business days, Monday-Friday, during normal business hours, 0600-1500 hours. After hours and on weekends and holidays, the incident will be handled by the PDC South Facility watch sergeant. The handling field sergeant shall follow the guidelines established for random testing described in the supervisory training handbook for compliance with the DOT rules on drug and alcohol testing for commercial drivers.

A blood alcohol test shall be administered using the “scientific method” as listed in the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 49 – Transportation. If the blood alcohol test is not administered within two (2) hours following the accident, the supervisor shall prepare and maintain a record stating the reasons the test was not promptly administered. If not administered within eight (8) hours following the accident, attempts to test shall cease and a record made of why the test was not administered.

If a drug test is not administered within thirty two (32) hours, the supervisor must cease attempts to administer the test and prepare and maintain a record of why the test was not administered.

Drivers who need to be tested, shall be directed to an authorized collection site listed in the supervisor's handbook. During normal business days and hours, the testing centers listed in “Appendix A” of the handbook shall be utilized. After hours and on holidays and weekends, the testing centers listed in “Appendix B” and “C” of the handbook shall be utilized. The driver to be tested shall be given the following three forms to take with them for completion of the test:

  • A Treatment Authorization Form
  • A U.S. Department of Transportation Breath Alcohol Testing Form
  • A Federal Drug Testing Custody and Control Form

These forms can be found in a binder in the watch sergeant’s office and in the motor pool senior deputy’s office.

The results of a breath or blood test for the use of alcohol, or a urine test for controlled substances conducted by the California Highway Patrol (CHP), local law enforcement or other officials having independent authority for the test, meet the DOT requirements, provided test results are obtained by the Department.


All random testing for PDC South Facility personnel shall be coordinated by the PDC ranch field lieutenant. Names of employees to be tested, chosen at random, will be provided to the PDC ranch field lieutenant by the captain of the Department’s Risk Management Bureau (RMB), who is the Department program manager.

The PDC ranch field lieutenant shall follow the guidelines established for random testing described in the supervisory training handbook for compliance with the DOT rules on drug and alcohol testing for commercial drivers.

Drivers who need to be tested, shall be directed to an authorized collection site listed in the supervisor's handbook. During normal business days and hours, the testing centers listed in “Appendix A” of the handbook shall be utilized. After hours and on holidays and weekends, the testing centers listed in “Appendix B” and “C” of the handbook shall be utilized. The driver to be tested will be given the following three forms to take with them for completion of the test:

  • A Treatment Authorization Form
  • A U.S. Department of Transportation Breath Alcohol Testing Form
  • A Federal Drug Testing Custody and Control Form

These forms can be found in a binder in the watch sergeant’s office and the motor pool senior deputy’s office.


Revision Date 04/22/19

12/04/97 SOUF