Effective Date: 04-22-19
Revision Date:
Review Date: 04-22-21
Reference: MPP 3-02/010.10 / MPP 3-02/010.15
The purpose of this order is to establish scheduling procedures for personnel at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and working at PDC South Facility.
Incoming personnel shall be assigned to a shift and regular days off (RDO) based on the needs of the facility, as determined by scheduling personnel. It shall be the primary responsibility of scheduling personnel to ensure staffing needs remain the first priority and that daily staffing objectives are met.
The following types of schedules are utilized at PDC South Facility:
The majority of personnel on all three shifts are on a 4/3 schedule, which provides most employees with three days off in a row. Alternative schedules may be utilized with the approval of the unit commander. A scheduling cycle is a monthly schedule that runs from the first Sunday of the month up to and including the Saturday before the first Sunday of the following month. Cycle changes occur the first Sunday of every other month (a two month cycle).
Personnel may request a shift change if they have successfully completed custody training and are not on an “improvement needed” or mentorship status. Personnel requesting a shift change shall submit an email to scheduling personnel. This email shall include the employee’s name, current shift, facility seniority date, and the desired shift(s) (first and second choice may be requested).
The employee shall be placed, in numerical order, on a shift transfer request list based on the date of the email and rank of the employee. It shall be the responsibility of scheduling personnel to maintain and update the shift transfer request list. Updates to this list shall be made every time a request is received.
In situations where two (2) or more employees send shift change request emails on the same date, the employee with the highest facility seniority date shall be listed first. If they have the same facility seniority dates, the employee with the highest Department seniority date shall be placed on the list first. If they have the same Department seniority dates, they shall be placed on the list in alphabetical order by their last name.
If an employee submits a request for a shift transfer indicating a first and second choice, should the opportunity arise for the employee to transfer to their second choice, unless otherwise specified by the employee, the employee will remain on the list (by date of email) to await a transfer to their first choice of shift. When it is determined that shift movement is necessary, the first employee on the list who requested the concerned shift (regardless of whether or not it is their first or second choice), shall be transferred.
If an employee is offered the opportunity to transfer shifts and they decline the offer at that time, that employee will be moved to the bottom of the shift transfer request list with their same shift choice(s) and a new email date reflecting the date the employee was offered the shift change.
Once the scheduling has started the process of making shift changes in preparation for a cycle (or mid-month) change, additions or deletions from the shift transfer request list will not be considered. These requests will be added/deleted after the new cycle schedule has been completed.
It shall be the individual employee’s responsibility to monitor their placement on the shift transfer request list. It shall also be the employee’s responsibility to notify scheduling if they no longer desire a shift transfer. Any deletion requests must be received prior to the beginning of the process of any shift movement.
If a shift is understaffed, and there are no volunteers to transfer to that shift, the employee who last transferred to the shift that is overstaffed shall be transferred to the understaffed shift. Scheduling shall ensure the employee is returned back to their original shift before any other shift transfers for that shift are made.
If personnel need to take a day off of work and would like to request time off, they can submit a request using form 76A8F-SH-R-96, “Absence Request Prior Approval,” up to two (2) months ahead of time.
Personnel interested in working specialized assignments (e.g., PDC ranch field crew, laundry, inmate processing area [IPA], kitchen, yard, inmate services, etc.) shall submit an email to the concerned supervisor as well as the PDC South Facility scheduling sergeant.
When it is determined there is an opening in a specialized assignment, the supervisor overseeing that assignment will select the employee best suited for the position.
04/22/19 SOUF