3-05-006 Process Service on PDC Property

3-05-006 Process Service on PDC Property

Effective Date: 01-21-21

Reviewed Date: 07-27-22

Reference: MPP 5-07/310.10, 5-07/340.00


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for serving legal documents to inmates and employees on Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) property.


This order applies to all personnel assigned to and working at the PDC main gate.


Only active/on-duty Sheriff’s Department personnel shall be allowed to enter PDC property to act as process servers. Process servers who need to serve an inmate or employee with legal documents shall be directed to contact the Chatsworth Courthouse - Sheriff’s Civil Management Office at (818) 576-8800, which is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

A deputy or court services specialist from the Sheriff’s Civil Management Office at the Chatsworth Courthouse will serve the legal documents on PDC property. They shall bring the legal documents directly to the facility where the inmate respondent is housed, or the employee respondent works. When needed, main gate personnel shall assist any Sheriff’s Civil Management Office personnel in locating any respondent and directing them to the facility. The Sheriff’s Civil Management Office personnel serving the legal documents shall handle the filing of “proof of service.”

Revision Date 07/27/22

01/21/21 SOUF