5-01-160 IDR/ODR Rules and Procedures

5-01-160 IDR/ODR Rules and Procedures

Effective Date: 05-24-95

Revision Date: 06-29-18

Review Date: 06-29-20

Reference: Title 15 Section 1230, CDM 3-06/090.00, 5-01/020.0, 5-05/110.00 and




The purpose of this order is to establish guidelines for the supervision of inmates who work in the kitchen and dining areas at the Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility inmate dining room (IDR) and PDC ranch officer’s dining room (ODR) in order to maintain safety and security, prevent inmate escapes and remain in compliance with California health regulations.



This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and working at the South Facility IDR or the PDC ranch ODR.



In order to maintain a safe working environment for both civilians and inmates, the following rules and guidelines shall be followed by personnel assigned to, or assisting in, the operation of either the South Facility IDR or PDC ranch ODR:

  • A list of all inmates assigned to work in the IDR and ODR shall be filled out and maintained by the personnel assigned to work in each respective location for each shift. This list shall be readily available at all times, and show the current assigned work area of each inmate, with their name, booking number and housing assignment. The list shall be current and accurate and reflect all inmate movement in all work areas. If an inmate leaves his assigned work area for any reason (e.g., pill call, facility delivery, etc.), security personnel shall update the inmate’s whereabouts, including the time the inmate left and returned.
  • CCTV camera footage shall be frequently monitored in real time to ensure inmates are working in their assigned work areas and not roaming or delaying operations.
  • Once per hour, all inmates shall be lined up and visibly accounted for.
  • IDR/ODR personnel shall ensure that all inmates assigned to the IDR/ODR are in compliance with the following rules:
    • Inmates shall be inspected at the beginning of each shift to ascertain their
      cleanliness. Inmates shall keep themselves clean at all times while working. Special attention should be paid to locating any cuts, sores or rashes. Inmates’ fingernails shall be inspected to ensure they are kept short and clean, without exception. If an inmate arrives to work with questionable hygiene, he shall be returned to his housing area to correct the issue or be denied a working assignment for that day. Any inmate found to have cuts, sores or rashes will be required to be medically cleared to continue working in the IDR/ODR.
    • Inmates shall wash their hands with soap and water before working, after
      using the toilet and as needed.
    • Inmates shall wear a hairnet while on duty.
    • Inmates shall wear gloves at all times while serving food or distributing
    • There will be no running in any portion of the IDR/ODR kitchen or dining room. Inmates shall walk at all times.
    • Inmate jackets shall not be worn in the IDR/ODR. ODR workers assigned to the dock, warehouse, and freezers may wear their jackets as needed.
    • All inmates shall wear County-issued shoes or boots while on duty.
    • All food handling inmates will be medically inspected each month.
    • Inmates are not allowed to possess food or drink unless given permission
      by the civilian cook or IDR/ODR personnel.
    • Unauthorized inmates shall not enter the IDR/ODR security offices. Inmates shall never be in the IDR/ODR security offices unsupervised.
    • Inmates shall stay in their assigned work areas at all times.
    • Inmates shall not leave the kitchen without permission from the Kitchen Officer.
    • Inmates are not allowed in the staff bathroom.
    • Inmates shall not communicate with, pass items to or receive items from any other inmate or visitor.

In an effort to minimize the security risks in the kitchen, and to track the distribution of utensils (including knives), the following rules and procedures shall be followed:

  • All knives shall be attached to a steel cable and locked to a cutting table. The immediate area around the assigned cutting table shall be specified as a “Knife Area.” Knife areas shall be out of bounds to all inmates who do not have specific permission to be there.
  • Inmates who need to use a knife, shall ask permission from a civilian cook or IDR/ODR personnel. Once permission is granted, any item to be cut shall be brought to the knife area by the inmate requesting permission. Once finished, the inmate shall clean and sanitize the knife.
  • An inventory of all utensils and knives shall be conducted at the beginning and end of every shift. All utensils shall be kept in a locked storage cabinet in the IDR/ODR security offices. IDR/ODR personnel shall maintain a list of all utensils checked out to an inmate, including a description of the utensil, the time checked out, to whom it is assigned, and the time it was checked out and returned.
  • Any inmate who possesses a utensil not assigned to him, shall be subject to discipline.
  • All trucks leaving secured areas of the IDR/ODR shall be visually inspected to ensure no inmates are hiding or left inside.

The Los Angeles County Department of Environmental Health Services is responsible for periodic inspections of the facilities food operations. Any questions regarding issues concerning the preparation and serving of food can be answered by consulting the LA County Department of Environmental Health Services - Housing and Institution Unit at 626-430-5590.


06/29/18 SOUF