3-07-040 Authorization for Use of Special Weapons by Yard Deputy in Emergent Situations

3-07-040 Authorization for Use of Special Weapons by Yard Deputy in Emergent Situations

Effective Date: 04-01-17

Revision Date: 04-03-19

Review Date: 04-03-21

Reference: CDM 7-08/000.000, 7-08/050.00, 7-08/070.00; Tennessee v. Garner, 471 US.1, 85L. Ed.2nd 1 (1985); Unit Order 5-08-050



The purpose of this order is to authorize the use of the six shot 40mm. exact impact launcher, the stinger (sting ball) grenade, and rubber blast ball grenade during any life threatening assault on staff or inmate, without deputy personnel requesting prior approval from the watch commander, when that delay would possibly result in greater traumatic injury.



This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and working at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility, in the capacity of Yard Deputy.



Inmate disturbances/assaults in the recreational (rec) yard area can quickly threaten life, property and the facility’s security. The sooner the disturbance/assault is quelled, the greater the probability we have in reducing the extent of injuries to staff or inmates. South Facility is a minimum security custody facility that has a large outdoor recreational yard area designated for inmate exercise use.

To facilitate a safe, effective and immediate response from deputy yard personnel, those deputies assigned to the Title 15 yard deputy position are granted standing watch commander authorization for deployment and use of the six shot 40mm. exact impact launcher, the stinger (sting ball) grenade, and rubber blast ball grenade without direct supervision or watch commander authorization, should any inmate(s) pose a substantial threat of inflicting serious injury or death upon any person.

Yard members witnessing such an event shall make every attempt to initiate appropriate radio broadcast alerting the facility, safety permitting. As first responders, Title 15 yard deputies shall not enter the yard area during an inmate disturbance until proper back-up arrives.

Title 15 yard deputies are reminded that all Department use of force policies and procedures remain in effect. Once an incident is rendered safe, involved personnel shall immediately notify any use or witnessing of force to their sergeant, as is required per Department policy. Personnel assigned to the Title 15 yard deputy position shall be departmentally qualified and as such, shall be authorized to use special weapons.


If possible, the incident shall be captured on a hand-held video camera, until CCTV video capability is put in place.


Revision Date 04/03/19

04/01/17 SOUF