Effective Date: 07-01-08
Revision Date: 08-21-18
Review Date: 08-21-20
Reference: CDM 3-10/000.00, 5-10/020.00
The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the issuance of guest passes and keys for person(s) requesting to enter Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and working at PDC South Facility, including civilian volunteers and workers.
PDC South main control (South David) personnel are responsible for issuing guest passes to authorized civilian visitors, employees not assigned to PDC South Facility, and contractors. This includes maintaining a visitor log and key/pass inventory. All persons not assigned to PDC South Facility must contact the South David desk officer to request entry. Before passes are issued, the desk officer shall ascertain the reason for entry and ensure the guest(s) are authorized to enter the facility by referencing the Approved Facility Access List (a PDF file consisting of approved visitors) which is emailed monthly and stored in the South Facility shared files in the following locations:[REDACTED TEXT]
The desk officer shall provide the appropriate visitor’s pass, and arrange for an escort, if necessary. The guest shall be instructed to display the visitor’s pass prior to being granted access into the facility. The desk officer will hold and secure all personal forms of identification provided by visitors.
All visitors shall be checked for warrants to ensure they are not a security risk. If the person(s) are approved to access the facility, the desk officer shall issue one of the below listed South Facility visitor’s passes, based on the purpose of the visit.
This form shall list the person’s name (first and last), visitor pass number, issued key block (if applicable), location where the guest will be visiting, time in, and time out.
All visitor’s passes shall be displayed at all times by guests while inside security at PDC South Facility.
Desk personnel shall only issue keys to instructors (e.g., MERIT, EBI, Back on Track) and chaplains. Only two sets of chapel keys shall be issued per chapel session. If the chapel is open, and two sets of chapel keys have been issued, all subsequent chapel key requests shall be denied unless approved by the watch commander.
PDC South Facility compound security keys shall not be issued to any guest.
Guests’ identification shall not be returned until they have returned the visitor’s pass and any keys they were issued. Keys (if applicable) and visitor’s passes shall be returned ONLY by the person to whom they were issued.
Chaplains who enter the compound must be cleared through the Office of Religious and Volunteer Services (RVS).
Teachers and civilian workers who have been cleared are listed in the Approved Facility Access list.
Chaplains, teachers and civilian workers, who are cleared, will trade their personal identification (ID) at main control for the appropriate colored facility visitor’s pass.
All PDC South Facility passes (including assigned passes) shall be inventoried at the beginning and end of every shift. This inventory shall be documented in the shift log.
If a pass is determined to be missing, the watch commander and/or watch sergeant shall be notified immediately. The watch commander and/or watch sergeant shall take action they deem necessary to locate the pass. If the pass is not located, the watch commander shall notify operations (via email or memo) indicating the last known whereabouts of the pass and to whom it was issued. Prior to the re-issuance of the missing pass, every effort shall be made to find or recover it.
Control, maintenance and procedures for lost civilian visitor keys shall be governed by South Facility unit order 3-05-090, “Key Control Procedure. “
Any deviation from this unit order shall require watch commander approval.
Revision Date 02/26/19
07/01/08 SOUF