The purpose of this unit order is to outline procedures for Office of Inspector General requests regarding their “live monitoring” of administrative investigations, force and shooting reviews, and/or criminal monitors.
This unit order applies only to cases monitored by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) staff.
Upon receipt of a request from the OIG regarding the monitoring of a case, the following procedures shall be followed:
- IAB operations staff shall notify, by email, the affected case investigator, team lieutenant, and the operations lieutenant.
- IAB operations staff shall add the case to a shared computer file accessible to the OIG Executive Staff (\\1-comm-03\OIGRequests\OIG Cases\Executive Staff), to which the investigator will be given access.
- The operations lieutenant shall ensure the monitored case is added to the “OIG Monitored Cases” tab of the electronic IAB Master Tracker, currently in Microsoft Teams.
- The investigator shall immediately copy all applicable files, investigator logs, transcripts, interviews, etc., to the designated OIG shared file. Additionally, investigators shall continue to provide copies of all investigative material produced and/or acquired into the OIG shared file within 48 hours; a copy of all material shall be retained in the investigator’s normal shared case file folder(s).
- The investigator shall send an email to his/her team lieutenant, operations lieutenant and Operations Assistant III Jessica Real and Operations Assistant II Mitchelle Aparicio each time new information is added to the OIG shared file. The investigator shall then update their case log to reflect the new information provided. Once added to the OIG shared file, no information shall be deleted or removed.
- Operations Assistant III Jessica Real or Operations Assistant II Mitchelle Aparicio will send a notification email to the OIG Executive Staff email group each time new information/material is added.
- The responsible team lieutenant shall update the summary portion of the IAB Master Tracker to reflect any changes or additional information for the concerned case.
- The operations lieutenant shall conduct monthly audits of the OIG monitored cases to ensure compliance.