To establish procedures regarding hospitalization resulting from a Canine Services Detail (CSD) dog bite.
When a suspect is hospitalized as a result of a CSD dog bite, the force review will be conducted by the CSD Sergeant. If there are other required mandatory notification circumstances, such as a deliberate head strike with an impact weapon, then the CSD Sergeant will make an immediate verbal notification to the on-call Internal Affairs Bureau (IAB) Lieutenant. The CSD Sergeant will provide the details of the incident and any injuries. The IAB Lieutenant will then determine if a Force/Shooting team response is appropriate.
Canine bites that require medical treatment, but not hospitalization, do not require a verbal notification, but will be documented by the CSD Sergeant in the memorandum and sent to the on-call IAB Lieutenant.
If a Force/Shooting team responds and conducts the review of the canine deployment and dog bite, the force will be reviewed by the Special Enforcement Bureau K-9 Executive Force Review Committee panel.
Refer to Field Operations Directive 86-37, for further information regarding canine deployment, search and force.